
Government blocks plan for Europe's biggest incinerator in London

Last edited 23 May 2002 at 8:00am
23 May, 2002

Edmonton incinerator action 2000

Landmark decision is body blow to incinerator proposals across Britain 

Poll analysis shows Sheffield result was swung by

Last edited 15 May 2002 at 8:00am
15 May, 2002

Sheffield incinerator: toxic crime scene

An analysis of votes cast in the local elections in Sheffield on May 2nd reveals that opposition to a new incinerator in the city may have swung two key wards from the Liberal Democrats to Labour. The swing resulted in the Liberal Democrats losing control of the city - a stark contrast to the situation in Hull where the Liberal Democrats were opposed to incineration and enjoyed massive electoral success. The poll analysis was conducted by Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace and is attached. 

Commenting on the poll analysis, Mark Strutt, head of the incineration campaign at Greenpeace, said:

"It's very clear that the new incinerator at Bernard Rd was a significant factor in the Sheffield result. If the Sheffield Liberal Democrats had followed the line from their national office and opposed incineration they would still be in control of the city."

Composting and current UK regulations

Last edited 9 May 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Greenpeace briefing

Download the report:

Liberal Democrats condemned as hypocrites by leading UK green groups because of new Sheffield incinerator

Last edited 29 April 2002 at 8:00am
29 April, 2002

11 Greenpeace volunteers ended their occupation of Sheffield incinerator after protecting the people of the city of polluting gases for 3 days

11 Greenpeace volunteers ended their occupation of Sheffield incinerator after protecting the people of the city from polluting gases for 3 days

Offer to pay for Sheffield waste plan rebuffed by Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats were dragged into a national row over incineration today because of Sheffield City Council's determination to build a new waste burner. The national Lib Dems have been branded as hypocrites and electoral opportunists by both Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace after the party tried to face in both directions on the controversial issue of burning rubbish. The national Lib Dems claim to be in favour of a moratorium on the building of new incinerators but in fact the Lib Dem controlled Sheffield City Council is trying to construct a massive waste burner against fierce local opposition.

Anti-incineration links

Last edited 25 March 2002 at 9:00am
Sheffield incinerator: toxic crime sceneA growing number of local anti-incineration campaigns exist around the country. Links to these groups are provided below. By offering these links, Greenpeace does not endorse the contents of these web pages, merely presents them for the benefit of people who may wish to get involved in a local campaign.

Zero waste

Last edited 18 March 2002 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
27 March, 2002

The UK is in the middle of a waste crisis. New European legislation has spelt the beginning of the end for the polluting and unpopular practice of land-filling our rubbish. This has created a stampede by local authorities for incinerators, which are also hugely unpopular with the public and produce a range of toxic and cancer-causing chemicals.

However, a totally new way of looking at waste is emerging that removes the need to burn or bury our rubbish; Zero Waste.

Download the report:

Britain could be a rubbish-free society says ground-breaking study

Last edited 18 March 2002 at 9:00am
18 March, 2002

Landfill: UK could be waste free

Greenpeace publishes the first ever Zero Waste plan for the UK

The UK could be a rubbish-free zone according to a revolutionary new report. 'Zero Waste' by leading waste expert Robin Murray, explains how Britain could maximise recycling levels, change product design to eliminate waste and find innovative new uses for the rubbish we generate. The study also details the government policies and finance needed to make Zero Waste a reality.

Greenpeace statement on the end of the occupation of the SELCHP incinerator in south London

Last edited 28 February 2002 at 9:00am
28 February, 2002

SELCH incinerator: climber arrested

Greenpeace today issued the following statement after the arrest of the last of the volunteers occupying the SELCHP incinerator, at 10.45am on 28th February 2002. 

"We are sad that our occupation has come to an end, but are immensely proud of the many volunteers who helped to shut the incinerator for three and a half days.

Dioxins cause cancer and the Government admits that at least half our children are taking in more of this chemical than is considered 'safe'.

Every hour that we kept the incinerator shut was an hour less pollution by dioxins, acid gases, toxic metals and particulates.

Britain needs proper recycling and composting and a safe waste management strategy. Government plans to build more than a hundred rubbish burners across Britain are doomed to failure because the public won't stand for it.

The Greenpeace campaign against waste incineration continues".

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255
Video and stills of occupation available

Tories urge Government to act on Greenpeace dioxin claims

Last edited 27 February 2002 at 9:00am