
Coal and Kingsnorth: the story so far

Last edited 23 April 2009 at 11:19am
Publication date: 
23 April, 2009

A timeline detailing the sequence of events following E.ON's proposals for a new coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent.

Download the report:

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Yorkshire says no to new coal

Posted by jamie — 12 February 2009 at 12:16pm - Comments

Ferrybridge coal power station in Yorkshire

The cooling towers of Ferrybridge power station

The decision on a new coal power station at E.ON's Kingsnorth facility in Kent is still expected later this year - the current rumour is around June but as with all government pronouncements you should take that with a very large pinch of salt. Whether it gets the go-ahead or not, it will have ramifications for the other proposed coal developments - including opencast mines - elsewhere in the country.

One of these is at Ferrybridge in west Yorkshire where half of the power station is due to go out of service in 2015. A more immediate threat is the opencast mine planned for the area, which will sit next door to an RSPB nature reserve at Fairburn Ings, and the group Yorkshire Against New Coal (Yanc) is standing in opposition to both plans.

Government moves in to strip juries of its power in climate protest cases

Last edited 18 December 2008 at 1:09pm

The government is seeking to significantly weaken the power of juries in cases involving climate change protesters

18 December, 2008

A letter from the Crown Prosecution Service to lawyers for Greenpeace reveals that the Attorney-General is close to referring the case of the Kingsnorth Six to the Court of Appeal in an effort to remove the defence of ‘lawful excuse' from activists.

The Kingsnorth Six faced a charge of criminal damage at Maidstone crown court in September. A year earlier the Greenpeace volunteers had entered Kingsnorth coal-fired power station in Kent before scaling the chimney, closing the station and painting Gordon Brown's name down the smokestack.

The 'climate change defense' named one of the ideas of 2008

Posted by jamie — 15 December 2008 at 5:28pm - Comments

The New York Times magazine isn't on my normal reading list but my attention has been pointed towards their annual Year In Ideas issue. This festive celebration of high-concept thinking (and the odd stocking filler, like never-ending bubble wrap) is their take on the year in review and there was great excitement in the office this morning when we heard that the Kingsnorth Six had made it into the August list.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

A Google bomb for Eon

Posted by jamie — 8 December 2008 at 2:54pm - Comments

The noble art of Google bombing - of making a website rise up the search results by encouraging other websites to link to them in a particular way - is being harnessed by blogs campaigning against new coal-fired power stations, especially Kingsnorth. The idea is to make the No New Coal website appear at the top of the list anytime a search is done for 'Eon' (which is, of course, the company so intent on building a plant at Kingsnorth).

Anyone with a website, blog or profile on the likes of MySpace or Facebook can help out, so if you'd like to help here are the full instructions I purloined from Climate Change Action:

Turner report advises against new coal plants

Posted by jossc — 4 December 2008 at 12:15pm - Comments

Carbon dinosaur? Ferrybridge coal-fired power station in Yorkshire

The Turner Report - a nail in the coffin of coal-fired power?

Lord Turner's Committee on Climate Change, which reported to the government on Monday, has gone a long way towards ruling out new coal plants like Kingsnorth from playing a role in any future UK energy mix.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

The vigil ends

Posted by bex — 30 October 2008 at 9:50am - Comments
Night on the Rainbow Warrior

© Kristian Buus / Greenpeace.

See all Rainbow Warrior tour updates or get them by email

In the early hours of this morning, after bailiffs served us a high court injunction from the quayside (presumably the "action" E.on had talked about earlier in the day), we pulled up our lines and left the jetty by Kingsnorth power station. We're heading, slowly, back to London.

It had been a busy evening at Kingsnorth. At around 10pm, the team battling with technical problems while occupying E.on's island came back to the boat to project images of climate change and the slogan 'Gordon bin it' from the bow.

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