
Captain's blog: Medway Morning Mooring

Posted by bex — 29 October 2008 at 10:05pm - Comments

Captain MikeSee all Rainbow Warrior tour updates or get them by email

Here's Captain Mike's take on today's events, written for his personal blog

“Rainbow Warrior you are entering the Medway compulsory pilotage area without a pilot. You must stop your vessel and leave the area. You are breaking maritime law.” That’s what the Medway Vessel Traffic Service told me this morning. But, I kept the throttle down and Rainbow Warrior (flanked by eight zodiacs) pointing at an antiquated technology that is consuming the planet. I did inform the VTS when we passed Grain Edge navigation buoy, that we’d entered the Medway channel. I chose not to take a pilot this morning for fear of implicating my fellow mariners in a civilly disobedient activity. In the past week I have done two trips down the Medway, past Kingsnorth, to Chatham Ness - both trips under pilotage with me paying utmost attention to the local navigation.

Read the rest (and while you're there, have a good browse - Mike writes beautifully).

An evening at Kingsnorth

Posted by bex — 29 October 2008 at 7:06pm - Comments
Evening on the Rainbow Warrior

On deck of the Rainbow warrior, taken during the Warrior's UK tour. © Will Rose / Greenpeace.

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It's slightly surreal sitting here in the mess of the Rainbow Warrior, where life is carrying on in all its usual, cosy hustle and bustle. (The crew members are helping themselves to spaghetti and salad as I write, and a couple of people are using the first quiet moment of the day to have a shower.)

Just outside is the towering smokestack of Kingsnorth and, around the corner, there's a small, concrete island owned by E.on which six people - including two of the Kingsnorth Six - have occupied. They're planning to set up a projector and beam images of climate change impacts onto Kingsnorth's smokestack. (So far, they've been troubled by technical problems - I'll keep you posted.)

Pete's blog - Rainbow Warrior into action

Posted by bex — 29 October 2008 at 3:43pm - Comments

occupying the platform

Occupying the island platform outside Kingsnorth. © Kristian Buus/ Greenpeace.

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Pete is a volunteer deckhand who somehow finds the time to write blogs.

Tuesday 28th: Flags, canoes and a heap of equipment are ready in the hold. Inflatable boats are being checked and hatches secured.

Everyone is 100 per cent dedicated, working through every detail. I doubt I'll sleep much tonight.

Wednesday 29th: Adrenalin pumping, we cast off from Southend pier. There's time to calm down, have a cup of tea - time for a bite to eat too.

We reach Kingsnorth power station loading jetty, a police launch is ready to block us landing.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Update from Kingsnorth: a calm commemoration

Posted by bex — 29 October 2008 at 1:51pm - Comments

Commemoration ceremony on the jetty

Commemoration ceremony led by Greenpeace Executive Director John Sauven at Kingsnorth coal-fired power station in Kent. © Kristian Buus/ Greenpeace.

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I'm on the Rainbow Warrior just outside Kingsnorth coal plant. Security guards are trying to stop the 30 campaigners on the jetty from breaching security and walking through the power plant to the site of the proposed new Kingsnorth plant so, at the moment, they're holding the commemoration on the jetty, with security guards listening.

Each volunteer is carrying the flag of one of the 30 least polluting countries in the world; the proposed new coal plant at Kingsnorth will emit as much as these 30 countries combined. They're also reading out the evidence given by NASA director James Hansen and Inuit leader Aqqaluk Lynge at the trial of the Kingsnorth Six.

Why we have to stop E.on building a new coal plant

Posted by bex — 29 October 2008 at 1:26pm - Comments

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I’m on the Rainbow Warrior and we’ve just reached Britain's most controversial power station, with our peaceful flotilla plus a police helicopter and police launch for good measure.

As we came alongside the jetty, our stern line was cut to prevent us from mooring. Now, from the deck of the Warrior, John (our executive director) is negotiating with E.on staff standing on the jetty a few feet away to be allowed to hold our commmoration ceremony on the site of the proposed new plant.

Dozens of protestors make amphibious incursion at coal plant

Last edited 29 October 2008 at 12:48pm

Rainbow Warrior heads Kingsnorth armada

29 October, 2008

A nine-boat protest armada led by the Rainbow Warrior has arrived at Britain's most controversial power station.

Dozens of climate campaigners from around the world are now on the jetty at Kingsnorth in Kent and are attempting to reach the site of a planned new coal plant in a heavily defended security zone to hold a sombre and dignified ceremony for the victims of climate change. Guards are trying to stop them entering the power station, while police boats are intercepting the flotilla.

Breaking news: Greenpeace – on the Rainbow Warrior, and on our way to Kingsnorth

Posted by bex — 29 October 2008 at 11:18am - Comments

Rainbow Warrior on route to Kingsnorth

The Rainbow Warrior on route to Kingsnorth coal fired power station in Kent. © Kristian Buus / Greenpeace.

See all Rainbow Warrior tour updates or get them by email.

It’s quite a sight: under a wintry sun, a flotilla of Greenpeace boats is heading down the Medway, straight towards Kingsnorth power station. The Rainbow Warrior is leading the peaceful armada and, from up here on the bridge, I can see our rigid inflatable boats abreast of us and streaming out behind in a V formation.

A couple of minutes ago, John, our executive director, phoned E.on and told them that our peaceful flotilla will be arriving at midday. Here's the mp3 or click to play:

Our amphibious incursion has a serious and peaceful purpose. The boats are carrying dozens of campaigners who plan to board Kingsnorth’s 700-metre coal jetty and then walk through the existing coal plant site to the site where E.on wants to build the UK’s first new coal plant in 30 years.

Greenpeace armada descending on Kingsnorth power station

Last edited 29 October 2008 at 10:30am

Rainbow Warrior leading amphibious incursion at coal plant

29 October, 2008

A nine-boat protest armada led by the Rainbow Warrior is heading for Britain's most controversial power station, carrying dozens of campaigners who intend to enter the site at Kingsnorth in Kent.

The Greenpeace volunteers will attempt an amphibious incursion from the Medway before walking onto the site earmarked for the construction of Britain's first new coal-fired power station in decades. They will then hold a sombre and dignified ceremony for the victims of climate change.

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