renewable energy

Greenpeace launches new 'Commission for wave power in Scotland'

Last edited 7 October 1999 at 8:00am
7 October, 1999

On 7 October, 1999, Greenpeace announced the launch of a 'Commission for Wave Power in Scotland,' at a briefing on the potential of wave power to the Scottish Parliament. The members of the new Commission range from MSPs, electricity suppliers and wave energy experts, to the Scottish TUC.

The commission will work independently of both Government and Greenpeace to determine how to capitalise on the industrial opportunities offered by Scotland's position as world leader in wave power. (1) It will report its findings to the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Executive.

Solar PV electricity can be competitive with conventional power in the short-term

Last edited 14 September 1999 at 8:00am
14 September, 1999

September 1999 - Solar energy could become competitive in the short-term with conventional electricity, according to a report by business consultants and accountancy firm KPMG, commissioned by Greenpeace.

Wave goodbye to fossils

Posted by bex — 10 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments
Wind power in action

Renewable energy has the potential to create thousands of jobs and generate power without imperilling the climate.

The UK government must set a series of progressive renewable energy targets, leading to a fossil fuel phase out in the next 30 to 40 years and open up the huge UK offshore wind resource. At the very least this means announcing a licensing round for offshore wind. To assure industry that investment in UK offshore wind is worthwhile, the Government must ensure these rounds are substantial and regular.

Wave power brings Rainbow Warrior to Edinburgh

Last edited 10 August 1999 at 8:00am
10 August, 1999
SY Rainbow Warrior

SY Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace announces wave power collaboration with Scottish companies

Last edited 30 July 1999 at 8:00am
30 July, 1999

Greenpeace today announced a unique collaboration with Scottish wave power companies to promote and maintain Scotland's place as a world leader in wave power. The announcement was made on board the Greenpeace flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, which is on a 3-day visit to Glasgow to highlight the Scottish wave industry. Scotland already has the world's most innovative wave power companies, one of the world's best wave climates and some of the world's leading wave research scientists.

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