
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace Impact Report 2010

Last edited 25 March 2011 at 5:24pm
Publication date: 
25 March, 2011

Welcome to our 2010 impact report, which details how our work over the past 12 months has helpied us towards a green and peaceful future.

One of the key drivers behind our success is the strong global reach of Greenpeace. We have been able to achieve this by moving the resources and expertise from established offices like the UK to our teams campaigning in rapidly growing economies such as China, India, Brazil and Indonesia. Being able to connect these countries at the frontline of destruction with countries such as our own is what enables us to campaign so effectively for change.

Download the report:

Tesco escapes last place in new tinned tuna league table with spectacular policy u-turn

Posted by jamie — 9 January 2011 at 10:40am - Comments
Tesco was bottom of our tinned tuna league table before a nifty u-turn
All rights reserved. Credit: Cobb / Greenpeace
Tesco was bottom of our tinned tuna league table before a nifty u-turn

Update, 9 March 2011: both Princes and Asda have committed to removing tuna caught using fish aggregating devices in combination with purse seine nets from their supply chains by 2014. Read more >>

Having got wind of our new tinned tuna league table (see below) and the fact that it was going to come last, Tesco has done a spectacular u-turn. After being the subject of a Greenpeace investigation, it has radically improved its policy on the fishing methods it will permit for its own-brand tuna.

The climate solution? It's an energy [r]evolution we need, Mr Osborne

Posted by jossc — 16 July 2010 at 10:14am - Comments

This week Greenpeace launches our vision for a European energy revolution – a practical blueprint for a renewable energy future. Using only proven technologies we can phase out fossil-fuels, cut CO2 emissions by over 90% by 2050 and ensure energy security – without a huge reduction in living standards.

Paper giant caught wrecking tiger and orang-utan habitat

Last edited 6 July 2010 at 2:43pm
6 July, 2010

Orang-utans and tigers are being pushed towards extinction by pulp and paper giant APP, according to a new report released today by Greenpeace.

The report documents the areas on the Indonesian island of Sumatra where APP, part of the notorious Sinar Mas group, are destroying the rainforest.

Among the areas is the Bukit Tigapuluh Forest Landscape, which is one of the last remaining rainforest homes of the critically endangered Sumatran tiger and home to the only successful re-introduction program for the Sumatran orangutan.

Joint letter from environmental groups to Nick Clegg

Last edited 7 May 2010 at 3:26pm
Publication date: 
7 May, 2010

Greenpeace - together with Campaign to Protect Rural England, Friends of the Earth, Green Alliance, Wildlife Trusts, WWF and RSPB - has signed an open letter to Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, asking him to make sure that, whatever the eventual outcome of the general election, the urgent matter of climate change is not forgotten.

Download the report:

Greenpeace Submission to the Proposed Regulatory Justification decisions on new nuclear power stations: Consultation Document

Last edited 25 February 2010 at 12:29pm
Publication date: 
25 February, 2010

Greenpeace Submission to the Proposed Regulatory Justification decisions on new nuclear power stations: Consultation Document.

Download the report:

Greenpeace's submission to the Consultation on the draft National Policy Statements for energy infrastructure

Last edited 25 February 2010 at 12:20pm
Publication date: 
25 February, 2010

Greenpeace's submission to the Consultation on the draft National Policy Statements for energy infrastructure.

Download the report:

The NIA's application to justify new nuclear power stations: Greenpeace's response

Last edited 22 October 2009 at 11:45am
Publication date: 
22 March, 2009

This response is made to the Department of Energy and Climate Change's (DECC) Consultation on the Nuclear Industry Association's application to Justify new nuclear power stations and the linked application by the Nuclear Industry Association (NIA).

In summary, Greenpeace is of the view that new nuclear build, including all aspects of the new practices from uranium mining, reactor operations through to new waste creation and disposal, cannot be justified.

Download the report:

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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