wind power

Michael Howard's speech - Greenpeace comment

Last edited 13 September 2004 at 8:00am
13 September, 2004

Commenting on Michael Howard's speech on global warming this morning, Greenpeace campaigner Jim Footner said:

Public behind renewable energy as Howard and Blair speak on global warming

Last edited 13 September 2004 at 8:00am
13 September, 2004

More people than ever support building wind farms, despite a concerted campaign against them over recent months. A new poll by ICM, released today, shows that 80 percent support government plans to significantly increase the number of wind turbines in Britain, with just eight percent opposed.

The poll is released as the leaders of the two major political parties make speeches on global warming. Michael Howard will speak tomorrow morning at the Institute of Directors while Tony Blair will address a business and environment conference hosted by Prince Charles on Tuesday.

Majority support wind energy in run up to the election

Posted by bex — 13 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
North Hoyle View

North Hoyle View

66% support renewable energy in comprehensive Somerset survey

Last edited 31 August 2004 at 8:00am
31 August, 2004

Our campaign supporting the planning proposal for a new on-shore wind farm at Hinkley Point in Somerset has received a timely boost - poll results from Somerset County Council's recent Environment and Quality of Life Survey, show a high level of public awareness and concern about environmental issues. The survey was undertaken between February and April this year, and sought the views of over 4,000 local people on local environmental policy and quality of life.

Support Hinkley wind farm now!

Last edited 5 August 2004 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
8 May, 2004

Please print out a copy of this letter and send it to West Somerset Council's planning office by 31st August

Download the report:

Hinkley wind farm proposal submitted

Posted by bex — 4 August 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
Computer generated image of how Hinkley Point windfarm will look

Computer generated image of how Hinkley Point windfarm will look

Climate change: how it affects Britain

Last edited 4 August 2004 at 8:00am
Flooding in the UK is on the increase due to climate change

Flooding in the UK is on the increase due to climate change

Climate change has serious and long-lasting implications for us all. Listed below are some specific impacts of climate change that are affecting Britain right now, and links to more information about them.

Tories anti-windfarm stance branded 'disgraceful' by Greenpeace

Last edited 26 July 2004 at 8:00am
26 July, 2004

Speaking about today's announcement by the Tory Party concerning windfarms, Greenpeace energy campaigner Robin Oakley said:

"It is disgraceful, and totally irresponsible, for Michael Howard to try to stop this vital solution to climate change.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Scarweather Sands campaign: taking positive action to help stop climate change

Posted by bex — 7 July 2004 at 6:46pm - Comments
Why is Scarweather Sands important?
The stakes in the energy debate are extremely high. UN scientists agree that, because of global warming caused by burning fossil fuels, we will experience more droughts, floods and storms from now on. For South Wales, climate change means more coastal flooding and wetter, stormier weather.

Despite the obvious need for new clean energy sources, some local opposition to the wind farm proposal triggered a public inquiry. With the inquiry set to start in November 2003, we took to the streets of Porthcawl to see what local people really thought...