wind power

Wind farm game

Last edited 7 December 2006 at 7:05pm

Play the Wind Farm GameOffshore wind alone could supply our electricity needs three times over. Make the switch to renewable energy by installing wind turbines on the designated hotpsots. Beat the clock and watch out for the floating oil drums - good luck!

Greenpeace response to Whitelee wind farm announcement

Last edited 27 April 2006 at 8:00am
27 April, 2006

In response to the announcement of planning consent for Whitelee, at 332 mega-watts the Europe's biggest ever onshore wind farm, Greenpeace campaigner Charlie Kronick said:

Greenpeace response to government rejection of Whinash windfarm plans

Last edited 2 March 2006 at 9:00am
2 March, 2006

In response to today's announcement by the government that they have rejected plans to build what would have been England's largest windfarm at Whinash in Cumbria, Stephen Tindale, Executive Director of Greenpeace, said:

"Any Government that wants to expand airports and turn down windfarms is simply not fit to govern. It's hard to believe that the nuclear industry has not played some role in this.

China could become the world leader in wind power

Last edited 18 October 2005 at 8:00am
18 October, 2005

Hong Kong, 17 October 2005 - China is in a prime position to become the world leader in wind power, according to a Greenpeace report released today.

Wind Guandong, a study of wind power potential in the heavily industrialised Guandong province in southern China, finds that the region could by 2020 alone, produce as much energy from wind power as Hong Kong's total current electricity supply.

Decentralising Power: An Energy Revolution For The 21st Century - Summary

Last edited 19 July 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
19 July, 2005

Britain's homes and workplaces would become mini-power stations generating huge amounts of electricity and making the UK the leading nation in the fight against climate change, if the vision laid out in a new report becomes reality.

The current, outdated electricity system is so inefficient that two-thirds of the energy in the fuel is wasted before it gets used at homes and workplaces, according to the report released today by Greenpeace.

Download the report:

'Windforce 12' shows shows wind can supply12 per cent of the world's electricity by 2020

Last edited 30 June 2005 at 8:00am
30 June, 2005

11 billion tonnes of CO2 can be saved by 2020

New report confirms UK wind energy crucial to combat climate change

Posted by bex — 24 May 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

A wind turbine

'Wind Power in the UK', a report from the Sustainable Development Commission (SDC), confirms that a rapid expansion of UK wind energy is essential to reduce carbon emissions and thereby minimise the potentially catastrophic impacts of climate change.

Greenpeace comment on Countryside Agency moves over wind farm site

Last edited 11 May 2005 at 8:00am
11 May, 2005

5 May 2005 - Commenting on the Countryside Agency's decision to draft new boundaries extending the Lake District National Park to include Whinash in Cumbria, the site of a proposed windfarm, Greenpeace campaigner Simon Clydesdale said:

"The timing of this recommendation seems too much of a coincidence in the light of the ongoing windfarm inquiry. There is an ignoble tradition of manipulating the boundaries of national parks to exclude areas of interest to the quarrying industry. Now the Countryside Agency is reversing the trick and wanting to extend boundaries to forestall an important initiative to tackle climate change."

Leading green groups support Lake District wind farm

Last edited 20 April 2005 at 8:00am
20 April, 2005

Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth have joined forces to pledge their support for a proposed wind farm at Whinash in the Lake District. A planning inquiry into the scheme is due to begin on Tuesday (19th April) at Penrith in Cumbria.

Greenpeace supporting Little Cheyne Court wind farm on Romney Marsh

Last edited 2 November 2004 at 9:00am
2 November, 2004

Greenpeace will this week submit a statement to the public inquiry into the Romney Marsh wind farm. The environmental campaign group is supporting the construction of the proposed project by nPower Renewables.

Wind power is essential in shifting power generation to methods that don't emit carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas. The statement quotes the UK government's chief scientist, who has stated that global warming is "the most severe problem we are facing today - more serious even than the threat of terrorism".

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