
Rainbow Warrior blocks the world's largest coal port

Posted by bex — 28 July 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Greenpeace activists disrupt coal loading at the world's largest coal port

Newcastle, Australia - In the glow of a warm, still morning, the Rainbow Warrior slipped into the harbour of the world's biggest coal port and dropped anchor to shut down coal exports for five hours in Newcastle, Australia.

Heralding the world's renewable energy future

Last edited 15 April 2004 at 8:00am
Robin Oakley (right)  with the Greenpeace China team

Robin Oakley (right) with the Greenpeace China team

Save the planet, phase out coal

Last edited 16 June 2003 at 8:00am
Greenpeace presentation at CoalTrans Asia 2003

Greenpeace presentation at CoalTrans Asia 2003

At the recent annual CoalTrans Asia 2003 gathering, Greenpeace called on the world's largest coal companies to act against the threat of global warming.

Coal accounts for over 40% of the world's annual carbon emissions. In the 20 years between 1973 and 1993, coal use around the globe rose by 36%.

The highest increase in coal consumption was in Asia - in the same period it rose by a massive 162%. In contrast, coal use in Europe registered only a 6% growth.

Scientists have identified Southeast Asia as one of the regions most vulnerable to the impacts of global warming. Yet the coal industry plans to further expand into the region. Coal imports in Southeast Asia are expected to rise by 14% per year.

Developing nations reject UK-funded dirty energy

Posted by bex — 19 July 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Choose Positive Energy action at Sual coal power station

Choose Positive Energy action at Sual coal power station

New research shows Blair 'exporting global warming'

Last edited 11 July 2002 at 8:00am
11 July, 2002

Tony Blair is under fire from environmentalists after new research exposed a staggering hypocrisy at the heart of Labour's global warming policy.

Blair had claimed to be in the vanguard of efforts to tackle climate change - but the new research reveals that his administration has funded the construction of coal plants in the developing world that cancel out half the emissions reductions the Prime Minister has boasted the UK will make under the Kyoto Protocol.