
Blair's legacy: 10 years of hot air

Last edited 2 February 2007 at 4:23pm
Publication date: 
2 February, 2007

The climatologists who make up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have just confirmed that the science of climate change is more certain than ever - including the devastating impacts that are a consequence of a warming world. The need to act urgently and effectively has never been more acute. Yet despite fine words about the problem, the UK government's response is to usher in a new generation of climate damaging coal fired power stations, and attempt to spin their failure on climate change as a success.

Download the report:

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

What we are doing about climate change

Last edited 15 November 2006 at 1:12pm
A Greenpeace protestor looking down at cooling towers from the chimney of Didcot power station during a direct action

As an international organisation, we campaign on several fronts - from researching and promoting solutions to climate change (like decentralised energy), to exposing the companies and governments that are blocking action, to lobbying to change national and

Power station occupation enters day two

Posted by bex — 3 November 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

A Greenpeace volunteer looks down at the chimneys at Didcot power station

UPDATE: Twenty-five climate campaigners were arrested at 5.30pm today after ending their two day occupation of one of Britain's dirtiest power stations. One of the volunteers Ben Stewart said, "Since being here we have halved Co2 emissions from this power station by stopping coal entering the facility. We've forced Tony Blair to answer direct questions from us about his climate trashing policies and shown that there is a cleaner, more efficient way of generating energy."

Tea at the top of a coal tower

Posted by bex — 2 November 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Tea at the top of the coal towerThis morning 30 of our volunteers envaded the UK's second largest coal power station. One group stopped the coal conveyor belt and chained themselves to machinery, while a second group made their way up 1052 stairs to the top of the chimney.

After all those stairs, it was time for a cuppa.

We shut down the facity because - like most of the Britain’s power stations – two-thirds of the energy it generates is wasted, making a massive contribution to climate change. Later the volunteers set to work painting "Blair's Legacy" down the side of the chimney.

We hear a lot of fine talk from Tony Blair, but in reality C02 emissions have gone up under Labour while the climate crisis deepens. His legacy will be climate chaos. Our volunteers will leave the power station when he pledges to ditch these dinosaurs and start investing in cutting edge decentralised energy.

Climate campaigners shut down one of UK's biggest power stations

Last edited 2 November 2006 at 9:00am
2 November, 2006

Climate campaigners shut down one of UK's biggest power stations

Greenpeace sets up 'climate camp' on top of 200 metre chimney

One of Britain's dirtiest power stations has been shut down by climate change campaigners.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Downing Street blocked with tonnes of coal

Posted by bex — 14 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Downing Street blockaded with tonnes of coal

This morning we sent a reminder to Tony Blair of his commitment to tackle climate change - several tonnes of coal.

Greenpeace volunteers blockaded three entrances to Downing Street as Tony Blair rows back on his commitment to the Kyoto Protocol. In a series of statements in recent weeks the Prime Minister has cast doubt on his long-term support for the global agreement, while British emissions of carbon-dioxide have risen since he came to power.

Tony Blair's crimes against the climate

Last edited 11 November 2005 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
11 November, 2005


Climate change is the greatest threat facing the planet. It is caused by the world's dependence on dirty fuels like oil and coal. To drastically reduce climate changing CO2 emissions, a switch from inefficient, dirty and dangerous energy sources, such as coal and nuclear power, to decentralised, clean energy systems is urgently needed. Tony Blair talks big on climate change, but his actions do not match his words. In fact his actions are now making things worse, not better.

Download the report:

Activists attacked in the Philippines

Posted by bex — 10 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments