European GM crop co-existence recommendations legally flawed

Last edited 21 March 2005 at 9:00am
21 March, 2005

As European Commissioners gather to debate the future of Genetically Modified (GM) crops and food tomorrow, environment and consumer representatives have exposed an EC Recommendation, guiding member states on GM crops, as legally and fundamentally flawed. The NGOs are calling for the Recommendation to be withdrawn and are calling for an urgent meeting to discuss its legal status and content.

EC investigation into illegal state aid for UK's flagship nuclear clean up body

Last edited 30 November 2004 at 9:00am
30 November, 2004

The European Commission is expected to begin an investigation on December 1st into whether the UK will contravene European competition rules through establishing the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

UK Energy Bill illegal under EC law

Posted by bex — 10 May 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace action against nuclear transport from Muehleberg to Sellafield

Greenpeace action against nuclear transport from Muehleberg to Sellafield

The Government's Energy Bill, which is due for its second reading in the House of Commons this week, may breach European Commission rules on state aid.

We sought expert legal opinion on the bill, which was designed to establish the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). The NDA was meant to oversee the UK's radioactive waste problem, but its remit has already been extended - before it even exists - to bail out private nuclear companies.

QC Paul Lasok's advice on Energy Bill

Last edited 10 May 2004 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
10 May, 2004


Top state aid and competition experts, Paul Lasok QC and Rebecca Haynes, advised Greenpeace that the Government cannot pass its planned Energy Bill without EC approval because it may breach European rules on state aid.

Download the full advice.

Download the report:

Greenpeace response to Blair's climate targets

Last edited 6 May 2004 at 8:00am
6 May, 2004

Responding to the publication of the Government's National Allocation Plan for the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, Greenpeace Executive Director Stephen Tindale said:

"Tony Blair should have stuck to his guns. Just days after calling global warming the greatest problem we face, he's retreating in the face of a little light lobbying from business. On the same day new evidence of global warming is published, Mr Blair is sending out all the wrong signals. You have to wonder how he's going to take the really tough decisions on climate when he can't even get the easy ones right."

Comments on British Energy restructuring

Last edited 8 October 2003 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Submitted to the European Commission

Download the report:

Cold water coral reefs safe ... for now

Last edited 27 August 2003 at 8:00am
Sea star

Sea star

Britain - still the 'dirty man' of Europe?

Last edited 20 June 2003 at 8:00am
20 June, 2003

Britain is likely to come under fierce criticism this week for its failure to tackle nuclear pollution in the north east Atlantic Ocean. At this week's international meeting of European environment ministers (23rd-27th June), Germany and Norway are expected to be highly critical of the UK for not abiding by promises to reduce radioactive discharges from the controversial Sellafield plant. The expected charge comes despite promises by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott that Britain had shed its tag of 'dirty man of Europe'.

Greenpeace legal challenge could push British Energy into liquidation

Last edited 12 February 2003 at 9:00am
12 February, 2003

Greenpeace announced today that they would seek an annulment of the European Commission's decision to approve the £50m rescue aid given to British Energy by the UK government late last year. If successful, this legal challenge could deal a fatal blow to efforts to rescue British Energy from falling into administration. The closure of British Energy's power plants may be the only legal solution to the crisis.

Greenpeace condemns EU Commission backdown on Bohunice V1

Last edited 29 September 1999 at 8:00am
29 September, 1999

Warns that EU Commission's weakness jeopardizes early shutdown of other dangerous reactors in CEE