Last-ditch attempt to sabotage law for cleaner cars

Posted by Elena Polisano — 14 June 2013 at 4:08pm - Comments
Angela Merkel
All rights reserved. Credit: World Economic Forum
Angela has that petrol emotion

Politicians would make terrible magicians. That’s my conclusion after reading a new proposal that sets out how Europe should meet its fuel economy targets for all new cars.

The German government’s proposal is an attempt to con the rest of Europe into playing into the hands of car companies like BMW and Daimler.

Deal or no deal on Europe's fishing laws?

Posted by Willie — 20 May 2013 at 5:47pm - Comments
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Will politicians net a fair fishing deal?

While considering how to write a blog on the latest developments on Europe’s bumpy road to fisheries reform, I decided to take a step back in time. Eleven months ago I wrote this blog explaining where the discussions were at, what was still on the table, and outlining a number of areas of concern.

The transport minister and the 20,000 people who demanded better

Posted by sara_a — 13 May 2013 at 6:41pm - Comments
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Com'on, Norman. Don't block the changes we urgently need.

When the alarm rang at 4.45am this morning, I was already awake. Nobody overslept or moaned about feeling tired. And after a quick pre-action breakfast we piled into the minibus, loaded with climbing equipment, a huge banner and our petition printed with the names of 20,000 UK campaign supporters. We were on route to Lewes, the constituency of UK Transport Minister, Norman Baker, who this Wednesday will represent the UK in a make-or-break moment for the future of pollution from cars.

The rocky road to efficient cars

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 24 April 2013 at 6:05pm - Comments

Something big went down in Europe today: MEPs voted on how efficient our future cars should be. This lays the foundations for rules that carmakers have to abide by.

24 hours to get cleaner cars

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 23 April 2013 at 6:17pm - Comments

Who'd have thought it? Just days before MEPs vote on what future cars should look like, UK oil companies, together with the RAC, have just come forward and said we're asking for the right amount of car fuel efficiency.

The fishing giant that claimed their membership was 'this big' when it wasn't

Posted by Ariana Densham — 8 February 2013 at 6:33pm - Comments
Fisherman with sustainably caught fish
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison/Greenpeace
Just how big is the NFFO's membership list?

Earlier this week, we exposed that the UK’s top fishing lobby – the National Federation of Fisherman’s Organisations (NFFO) – is not what it says on the tin. Traditional fishing is in crisis and it seems that small-scale fishermen aren’t getting the representation they deserve. Our investigation revealed some very interesting surprises and it has elicited a very fervent response from the NFFO.

The day you all went to Strasbourg, and made history

Posted by Willie — 7 February 2013 at 10:49am - Comments
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"Victory for citizen power" said Roger Harriban, BBC, environment analyst

Where were you when you heard the news? I was sitting in a very chilly train station in Edinburgh, cursing a delayed train, unable to extricate myself from Twitter to go get a restorative coffee, when the news came through: Members of the European Parliament, those elected but often-maligned creatures, had voted overwhelmingly in favour of radical, progressive reform of Europe’s fish laws.

PM proposes turning UK back into dirty man of Europe

Last edited 23 January 2013 at 4:17pm
23 January, 2013

Responding to David Cameron’s comments in Parliament today that “there are a whole series of areas - social, employment, environmental legislation - where Europe has gone far too far", Greenpeace Executive Director John Sauven said:

At last, a victory for sustainable fishing

Posted by Nina Schrank — 19 December 2012 at 5:00pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace

Yesterday morning in chilly Brussels I joined small scale fishermen and Greenpeace campaigners who had travelled from all over Europe to demonstrate together outside the European Council Building. We were there to remind ministers to put the health of our oceans first, in the reform process of the European laws that govern our seas.<--break->

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