
Get ready for Glastonbury 2003!

Last edited 10 May 2003 at 8:00am

Get ready for Glastonbury 2003!

Glastonbury 2002: Pyramid stage

Do you remember your first time? How about last time? Get ready, 'cause it's time to dust off your tent and do it all over again. Glastonbury 2003 is coming.

Environmental Art: a message in a postcard

Last edited 15 April 2002 at 8:00am
15 April, 2002

Greenpeace deliver forest art to Blair

Thousands of people join with Greenpeace to produce giant art installation for Blair telling him to help protect the world's remaining ancient forests

Today, Greenpeace along with a delegation of individuals from the fashion, club, DJ and arts world have taken part in a procession delivering a postcard-petition sculpture to Tony Blair at No 10 Downing Street.

Greenpeace and The Body Shop launch challenge to bring clean energy to two billion worldwide

Last edited 28 June 2001 at 8:00am
28 June, 2001

Leading environmental organisation Greenpeace has joined forces with international high street retailer, The Body Shop today, to challenge world governments to provide access to renewable energy for all within ten years, in particular the two billion people who live without any power.

Greenpeace backs 'wonderful' giant snowball art

Last edited 21 June 2000 at 8:00am
21 June, 2000

The artist Andy Goldsworthy has released 13 giant snowballs on the streets of the City of London.

The 6-7 foot snowballs will be left to melt and public reactions recorded via webcam's for broadcast on this site and at

Thousands to gather for organic picnic against genetically modified foods

Last edited 25 July 1999 at 8:00am
25 July, 1999

On Sunday the 25th of July 1999 thousands of people, including many celebrities such as Emily Lloyd, Maryam D'Abo, Simon and Yasmin Le Bon, Ben Elliott and Jemima Khan, will express their support for organic food and opposition to GM food at Britain's largest ever organic picnic.