Greenpeace Blog

VW Viral Video: The Jedi Strike Back

Posted by jamess — 15 July 2011 at 3:28pm - Comments

A little over two weeks ago, we launched our VW campaign with our spoof video of the company’s Darth Vader advert.

It instantly went viral, becoming the most shared ‘ad’ worldwide (see pic on the right).

APP spins yet more greenwash with latest advert

Posted by jamie — 14 July 2011 at 4:59pm - Comments

Oh, this is marvellous. A new commercial for Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) has surfaced which, like their previous efforts, is a lesson in how to make a bad company seem downright satanic. Hats off then to Allyn Media for a beautifully shot, if completely fabricated, video.

From our China team: how to lose a foot on fieldwork

Posted by Louise Edge — 14 July 2011 at 10:52am - Comments

Zhong Yu has worked for Greenpeace in China for over seven years and has witnessed some of the most devastating environmental disasters there from rapid glacier retreat on the Himalayas, the 2008 Sichuan earthquake to last summer’s devastating Dalian oil spill. Here, she writes about the undercover research behind our latest report, which exposes the terrible impact that China’s growing textile industry is having on the country’s rivers.

Christmas comes early as Santa disrupts Hasbro's Xmas toy preview

Posted by jamie — 13 July 2011 at 4:47pm - Comments
Santa gives out children's letters complaining about Hasbro's use of toy packagi
All rights reserved. Credit: Felix Clay/Greenpeace
Has Hasbro been naughty or nice?

It's July so the last thing any sane person will be thinking about is Christmas. Not so for those in the toy business because, with only 165 shopping days to go, they're looking ahead to the festive season.

Take Hasbro, for instance. Today, product and marketing managers have been showing off the new lines for Christmas to retailers and journalists and we thought we'd pop along as well.

Will the UK government be a progressive voice on fisheries?

Posted by Ariana Densham — 13 July 2011 at 3:50pm - Comments
Fish in a net
All rights reserved. Credit: Alex Hofford / Greenpeace
Tonight Greenpeace and partners outline proposals for the CFP at the event The Future of EU Fisheries

The day those of us in fish world have been waiting for is upon us. Today the European Commission officially launched its proposals for a new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and finally we'll find out if Europe intends to meet its targets to recover our decimated fish stocks, or bend to the same political pressures of its 40 year history and failing put the environment first.

Nike & Adidas: time to Detox the world’s water

Posted by Louise Edge — 13 July 2011 at 12:25pm - Comments

Game on, Nike and Adidas. Greenpeace is calling you out to see which one of you is stronger on the flats, quicker on the breaks, turns faster and plays harder at a game we’re calling Detox. Who’ll be the first to take action and eliminate hazardous chemical discharges from their supply chain? Who will be the champion of a toxic-free future?

UK in the spotlight as global whale conference comes to Jersey

Posted by Willie — 12 July 2011 at 10:37am - Comments

In a warehouse-like hall, with demoralisingly black walls, in a hotel on the Channel Island of Jersey, several hundred people have gathered this week for the annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission.

Kids pen letters to Ken about Barbie's destructive deforestation

Posted by jamie — 12 July 2011 at 10:16am - Comments

Our Barbie campaign has struck a cord with many people and when you realise how ridiculous it is that rainforest timber ends up in disposable toy packaging, it's not surprising. It's also not surprising that it's having an effect on the ultimate end users of Mattel's products – kids.

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