Greenpeace Blog

In photos: Arctic 30 homecoming

Posted by jamie — 28 December 2013 at 12:05pm - Comments
Phil, Alex and Kieron at St Pancras station
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
Phil, Alex and Kieron arrive at St Pancras station

Captain Pete Willcox is home, and the rest of the non-Russians in the Arctic 30 are either home as well or on their way. There have been some amazing scenes on their arrival home - here are a few of my favourite photos from the last two days.

VIDEO: 'All the support we received made it more bearable'

Posted by jamie — 28 December 2013 at 11:09am - Comments

Just after arriving back in London yesterday from Russia, Phil recorded this message about what all the support from around the world meant to him and the rest of the Arctic 30.

And one thank you is never enough. Here are other members of the Arctic 30 expressing their gratitude for everything you've done to support them.

Arctic 30: they're home!

Posted by jamie — 27 December 2013 at 6:03pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
Home at last: Anthony, Kieron, Alex, Iain and Phil arrive in London

They're finally home.

An hour ago, Alex, Anthony, Phil, Iain, and Kieron stepped through arrivals at St Pancras International, and are completely free at last.

Giant palm oil trader commits to ending deforestation

Posted by Richardg — 27 December 2013 at 11:00am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Natalie Behring / Greenpeace
Wilmar's decision to adopt a no deforestation policy could save forest habitats of orangutans and tigers

This year - 2013 - has been the year of the Arctic, no question. But there's an amazing development elsewhere that everyone who's part of Greenpeace has been instrumental in achieving, even if you didn’t realise it.

It involves the world’s largest palm oil trader and an incredible new commitment that could mean the difference between saving or wiping out the last Sumatran tigers.

2013 was HUGE. And this is what the highlights look like in 4'15"

Posted by Nic S — 27 December 2013 at 1:00am - Comments

Whether you're new to Greenpeace, or an original old-timer - thank you for an incredible year.

Walking with Aurora, the giant polar bear

Posted by Fran G — 25 December 2013 at 1:00am - Comments

If you cast your mind back a few months to September - before the Arctic Sunrise was seized and all 30 people on board were arrested and held in Russia - you might remember Aurora, the giant polar bear that walked through central London.

Nick Clegg and the illiberal anti-democrats

Posted by Graham Thompson — 19 December 2013 at 1:38pm - Comments
by-nc. Credit: Nick Clegg -Flickr

Is Nick Clegg taking lessons from the Tea Party? With the so-called Charity Gagging Bill it's starting to look a bit like it. Do Liberal Democrat voters want charities gagged in the run up to the next elections?

11 photos that sum up 2013

Posted by Esther Freeman — 19 December 2013 at 1:38pm - Comments

When six women climbed the Shard everyone knew it was a landmark moment. Two months later 3000 people walked with the world's largest polar bear to Shell's headquarters. Three days after that 28 peaceful activists and two journalists were arrested at gunpoint. We were practically tripping over the landmark moments in 2013.

Fracking: 'If you can't get in the front door, just go around to the back'

Posted by kcumming — 19 December 2013 at 1:27pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan/ Greenpeace

Yesterday, late afternoon, the government quietly announced it is changing planning rules to allow companies to frack under people’s homes without telling them.

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