Greenpeace Blog

Remaining forests detailed in unique map

Posted by admin — 21 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Click on the map to see details of each region

We are destroying the world's precious ancient forests at an unprecedented rate. An area of natural forest the size of a soccer pitch is cut down every two seconds.

Ken's low carbon London

Posted by bex — 20 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

London Mayor Ken Livingstone

It's the capital of the UK, the biggest energy demand centre in the country and the largest city in Europe. And it can slash its CO2emissions, gas consumption and reliance on fossil fuels without nuclear power.

London mayor backs decentralised energy

Posted by bex — 20 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Ken Livingstone outlines his plan for London with decentralised energy

In March 2006, London Mayor Ken Livingstone delivered a Greenpeace Business Lecture outlining why decentralised energy is the way forward for London and the UK. You can read about his speech or watch excerpts from the lecture:

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Spot the illegal farmer

Posted by admin — 8 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Greenpeace protesters unfurl a 2,500 metre square banner in an area of illegally cleared Amazon rainforest - the farmer's car is parked in the middle

Greenpeace protesters unfurl a massive banner in an area of illegally cleared Amazon rainforest - the farmer's car is parked in the middle

Deep in the Amazon forest, Greenpeace protesters clashed with the man responsible for a major 'forest crime' - the destruction of a vast area of pristine forest.

Nuclear power: boom or bust?

Posted by bex — 7 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

A giant KAPOW is projected onto the dome at Sizewell

Over the past fortnight an enormous projection reading "KAPOW!" has materialised on several of the UK's nuclear power stations, highlighting the risk of terrorist attack to nuclear sites.

Greenpeace volunteers drove up to the perimeter fences of Dungeness, Sizewell, Wylfa, Oldbury, Heysham and Torness nuclear power stations and projected the cartoon-style image onto the walls.

Cleaner, cheaper, more secure - a new report reveals the real answer to Britain's energy needs

Posted by bex — 7 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

A residential area powered by combined heat and power (decentralised energy)

As the government's Energy Review veers ever closer to the conclusion that nuclear power is the only answer to climate change, a new report by non-profit research agency the World Alliance for Decentralised Energy (WADE) demolishes this myth.

Lula told: "Save the Amazon"

Posted by admin — 7 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Greenpeace protesters demonstrate as the Queen and President Lula pass by during his state visit

As President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil paid a visit to Buckingham Palace today, the Greenpeace forest football squad were there to remind him that the world has a vested interest in the future of the Amazon rainforest.

Carbon dating the decision makers

Posted by bex — 2 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

David Cameron talks to Stop Climate Chaos supporters

Hundreds of Stop Climate Chaos supporters came together on March 1st to 'carbon date' some of the UK's leading MPs.

They weren't trying to guess the ages of these venerable decision makers; they were borrowing the 'speed dating' format to tell MPs what they thought the government should do about climate change.

Forest rescue station launched

Posted by admin — 28 February 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Local foresters help Greenpeace volunteers mark out land boundaries near Lake Murray

In the remote forests of Papau New Guinea, illegal and destructive logging continues to threaten both the local communities and the fragile ecosystem. But today Greenpeace launched a major initiative to help indigenous tribes establish their rights to the land they have occupied for generations.

The Budget: a chance to combat climate change

Posted by bex — 22 February 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

A traffic jam at night

While the global suffering caused by climate change escalates every day, UK vehicles are pumping out more greenhouse gases than ever before.

CO2 emissions from road transport are rising. Car manufacturers, unlike most other sectors, aren't legally bound to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Instead, when put under pressure to do something about their immense contribution to climate change, they agreed to voluntarily reduce emissions of the average new car by 2008.

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