Climate Camp

Heathrow: what do we do if the worst comes to the worst and the government says yes?

Posted by bex — 4 July 2008 at 5:58pm - Comments

What do we do if the worst comes to the worst and the government says yes?

Special Conference on July 26th 

In recent news: The Arctic sea ice melt began significantly earlier this year than last year. UK's CO2 emissions higher than official figures, government admits. CO2 emissions up by nearly a fifth in 12 years. Avoiding climate change is affordable, says PWC.

And yet, still, the government plans to build new coal plants and, of course, new runways.

An open (cast) and shut case?

Posted by jossc — 18 June 2008 at 5:48pm - Comments

Leave it in the gound: climate campaigners occupy Lodge House open cast mine site

Hot on the heels of Friday's 'Great coal train action' which halted coal shipments to Drax power station for the best part of two days, comes news of more anti-coal activity. Early this morning climate campaigners from 'Leave it in the Ground' occupied UK Coal's Lodge House site in Derbyshire where a new open cast coal mine is planned, and the rural lanscape is about to be devastated by huge earth-movers.

Leave it in the ground!

Posted by jossc — 13 June 2008 at 4:21pm - Comments

Coal protesters stop a train of the black stuff on its way to Drax, the UK's largest coal plant

Thirty climate campaigners today stopped a coal train on its way to Drax power station in Yorkshire, Britain's single largest source of CO2 emissions. Dressed in white overalls and canary outfits, they used safety signals to stop the train at a bridge on a branch line used exclusively by the power station, before jumping aboard and shovelling coal off onto the tracks. Some used climbing ropes to suspend themselves under the bridge from the train, making it impossible to move the train while the protest continues.

Climate camp goes to Kingsnorth

Posted by jossc — 5 March 2008 at 11:50am - Comments

Climate Camp 2008 will target Kingsnorth coal power plant in Kent

Kingsnorth in Kent is to be the main focus of this year's Camp for Climate Action. From 4th to 11th of August climate activists will gather at the site of E.On's proposed new coal-fired power station, the first to be built in the UK for 30 years.

Climate camp ends with nationwide protests

Posted by jamie — 20 August 2007 at 5:20pm - Comments

A climate camp protester holds up a banner in front of police

Money isn't everything © Gavin Austin

The climate camp's 24 hours of action has drawn to a close and it's been a rare old time with protests springing up all over the country, not just around Heathrow. When I left the camp last night, a large group of people were camped outside BAA's offices near the airport and thanks to Indymedia's rather excellent Twittering, my mobile has continued to deliver updates about what was going on.

Climate camp update: send in the clowns

Posted by jamie — 19 August 2007 at 4:17pm - Comments
According to the update board in the climate camp info tent, the various groups of protesters have had various degrees of success, not least a troupe of clowns. They're among the campers who have made it to the BAA offices at Heathrow, although apparently they've been penned in by police. Other teams have also made it, despite a heavy police presence, and 250 are currently coralled behind the BAA building. Others remain at large. Elsewhere, a group have been in Sipson village marking out where the planned third runway will be.

Action stations at climate camp

Posted by jamie — 19 August 2007 at 3:25pm - Comments

Right now, a group of two hundred or so climate campers are marching across a field on their way to Heathrow in an attempt to blockade the BAA offices. Needless to say, huge numbers of police - some in riot gear - are in their way.

Climate camp - your one-stop campaigning workshop

Posted by jossc — 17 August 2007 at 5:03pm - Comments

Runways to ruin - climate camp

Anyone for a workshop on Sustainable Activism?

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