Climate Change

How to close down 25 power plants in two minutes

Posted by bex — 17 May 2007 at 1:37pm - Comments

Bright idea logo

Ever wanted to make a real difference to the world but never seem to have the time? Well, here’s a chance for you to help cut around 20 million tonnes of Europe’s carbon emissions, in about two minutes.

Biofuels: green dream or climate change nightmare?

Posted by jamie — 9 May 2007 at 12:00am - Comments

As you may have already seen, along with WWF, the RSPB, Friends of the Earth and, we've placed an advert in several of today's papers warning the government about the environmental risks of biofuels as an alternative to petrol and diesel. Hang on, I imagine some of you are saying right now, aren't they supposed to be clean and green with the power to save us from the tyranny of fossil fuels? Well, yes... and no.

Wake up and smell the carbon

Posted by bex — 4 May 2007 at 2:29pm - Comments

Greenland glacier

Sometimes world-changing pronouncements aren’t delivered on stone tablets accompanied by thunder bolts, but in densely written reports, packed with charts, footnotes and appendices.

Making noise about the climate change bill

Posted by bex — 4 May 2007 at 12:38pm - Comments

Icount logoIt’s been a while since we’ve mentioned I Count, the Stop Climate Chaos campaign.

Make the switch: our challenge to retailers

Posted by bex — 3 May 2007 at 10:42am - Comments

Compact Fluorescent lamp (CFL)

These two bulbs might look pretty similar but, beneath the surface, there are some important differences.

The bulb on the left uses five times less energy than the one on the right. It lasts up to 12 times longer. It can save UK consumers around £1.2 billion in electricity bills per year. It’s available for less than a pound from several major retailers.

Incandescent bulb

Light bulbs and energy efficiency standards

Posted by bex — 1 May 2007 at 1:00am - Comments
Amsterdam: Greenpeace replaces power crazy bulbs with low energy ones
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Laura Lombardi
Amsterdam: Greenpeace replaces power crazy bulbs with low energy ones

Efficiency is the amount of energy an appliance or device uses to get a certain output. The more efficient a device is, the less electricity it uses - and the less climate-changing emissions are pumped into the atmosphere.

The technologies exist for making all sorts of energy efficient products – from light bulbs and TVs to cars and fridges. But, because it’s cheaper and easier for industry to keep churning out the same old products, most of us are still using old, inefficient technologies and unnecessarily damaging the climate.

The new coal rush

Posted by bex — 30 April 2007 at 4:36pm - Comments

Ferrybridge power station

In 1974, the BBC launched Ceefax, Richard Nixon was kicked out of office and the last new coal-fired power station was built in the UK. Most things have moved on a fair bit since then – but apparently not for the UK's energy companies.

How many retailers does it take to change the lightbulb?

Posted by bex — 30 March 2007 at 12:07pm - Comments

An energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbWell, all of them, but the Co-op has made a fine start. The supermarket has announced that it’s going to remove all inefficient light bulbs from its shelves within a few months.

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