Climate Change

Change your ticket, not the climate

Posted by bex — 22 March 2007 at 3:08pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers set up a climate ticket exchange in Gatwick airport

Greenpeace volunteers set up a climate ticket exchange in Gatwick airport

Passengers queuing for BA's first domestic flight between Gatwick and Newquay are being offered an upgrade with a difference today: the chance to exchange their plane tickets for climate-friendly train tickets.

BA's new domestic route, opened today, isn't just irresponsible given what we know about climate change - it's also completely unnecessary. If you take into account the time and cost of travel to airports and checking in, travelling by plane works out to be more expensive than train, only a little quicker and ten times more damaging to the climate.

Flying in the face of reason?

Posted by jamie — 21 March 2007 at 6:39pm - Comments

Aeroplane vapour trails forming a rude hand gestureClimate change - you can't open a paper or watch the news without banging your head against it, right? So obviously the message is getting through - our major companies are tripping over themselves in the rush to proclaim their green credentials and how keen they are to take 'corporate responsibility' for their business. Well - up to a point.

Proposed new nuclear plants at grave risk of flooding

Posted by jossc — 12 March 2007 at 5:04pm - Comments

Close to the edge? Dungeness is one of the nuclear plants most at risk

Close to the edge? Dungeness is one of the nuclear plants most at risk

Success as government's nuclear plans ruled unlawful

Posted by jamie — 15 February 2007 at 9:00am - Comments

The government's decision to back nuclear power was ruled as unlawful by the High Court

In a major blow to the government's plans to reinvigorate nuclear power in the UK, the High Court has ruled their decision to back a programme of new nuclear power stations was unlawful.

Government's key energy review on trial

Posted by bex — 8 February 2007 at 11:34am - Comments

Green groups gather outside the High Court as the government's energy review goes on trial

The government's decision to back a new fleet of nuclear power stations in the UK was "legally flawed", the High Court has heard.

In the Royal Courts of Justice in London, Greenpeace will argue that the government's recent energy review was not the "fullest public consultation" it had committed itself to before making a decision to back new nuclear power stations. The commitment had been made in the earlier energy white paper in 2003.

Blair: fossil fool

Posted by bex — 6 February 2007 at 3:59pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers tip four tonnes of coal on government's doorstep

The world's top climate scientists have this morning released their latest report on the science of global warming. Their verdict: the world is on the verge of climate catastrophe.

It's not too late!

Posted by bex — 30 January 2007 at 2:58pm - Comments

It's not too late!

As the world's top climate scientists gather in France to finalise their landmark climate report due out on Friday, we've taken our message to Paris to urge the world's governments to act.

Car manufacturers put the brakes on climate law

Posted by bex — 29 January 2007 at 2:51pm - Comments

Emmissions from transport are on the rise

Car manufacturers are trying to sabotage a new European climate law that would force them to improve the efficiency of their new vehicles. But there's time to act to make sure that Europe's cars are cleaner and greener in future.

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