
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Over 150,000 stand with the people of Lancashire in opposing fracking

Last edited 14 June 2016 at 11:26am
14 June, 2016
Campaigners from Lancashire will today be joined by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth to deliver a 150,000-strong petition calling on the Government to respect Lancashire’s decision to reject fracking.

Local campaigning groups Frack Free Lancashire, Preston New Road Action Group and Roseacre Awareness Group will also be joined by Lancaster and Fleetwood MP Cat Smith, who says fracking has no “democratic mandate” in Lancashire, following the local council’s decision to prohibit the controversial practice.

This Friday: Rally Against Fracking in Ryedale, Yorkshire

Posted by Richard Casson — 16 May 2016 at 2:37pm - Comments
by-nc. Credit: Frack Free Ryedale

On Friday 20 May, North Yorkshire County Council will be deciding whether to approve fracking firm Third Energy's bid to drill in Ryedale, Yorkshire. With days to go before the council decision is made, people us from across Yorkshire - and around the UK - will gather for a rally outside county hall in Northallerton.

Frack free bake storm

Posted by aksheykalra — 27 April 2016 at 11:31pm - Comments

It could have been any other day without anyone raising a voice against fracking industry or the imminent threat of Greg Clark overruling Lancashire county council's decision to say no to the industry.

Instead, Emma Thompson and her sister Sophie occupied the field leased by a local landowner for shale gas drilling, baked some cakes and raised a media sh*t storm.

Lights, camera, direct action: 6 times Emma Thompson spoke up for the planet

Posted by Danielle Boobyer — 27 April 2016 at 10:01am - Comments
Emma and Sophie Thompson jump over a fence
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Emma and Sophie Thompson jump over a fence

Today Emma Thompson and her sister Sophie are occupying a fracking site. The actors are using whisks, spoons & cake to challenge fracking with their unusual protest - the Frack Free Bake Off.

Emma’s no stranger to speaking up for our planet. From marching for climate justice to protesting outside Shell's HQ with a giant polar bear puppet, this is one actor who's not afraid of direct action.

The 6 Most Kick-Arse Moments of #Frackminster

Posted by India Thorogood — 10 February 2016 at 11:54pm - Comments

This week hasn't been a normal one at Westminster. On Tuesday, 30 Greenpeace volunteers built a blooming huge fracking rig right on David Cameron's doorstep. It spewed fire out of the top, leaving passers by confused and amused, and causing a stir with MPs.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace ‘frack’ Parliament Square

Last edited 9 February 2016 at 8:46am
9 February, 2016
  • PHOTO CALL – near Gandhi statue from 7.45am the rig will flare and drill hourly
  • Photos will be uploaded on this link throughout the day

 Tuesday 9th February, London - Greenpeace has installed a life-like ten-metre fracking rig and drill at Parliament Square this morning to ‘bring the local impacts of fracking to the heart of democracy’.

A new Populus poll released today by Greenpeace shows that nearly two-thirds (62%) of people in the UK think their local council, not central government departments, should decide whether to accept or reject fracking applications in their local area. 

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