Philip Hammond

Greenpeace Response to the Spring Budget 2017

Last edited 9 March 2017 at 2:19pm
9 March, 2017

Overall reaction:

John Sauven, Executive Director of Greenpeace UK, said:

“Hammond’s first Budget could have put the UK on course to lead the global race for clean technology, healthy air and a strong economy. To really ‘prepare Britain for a brighter future’ the Chancellor should have used this moment to gain an advantage by boldly backing offshore wind power, supporting solar and driving consumers towards cleaner cars.

New petition: The government must urgently rethink plans to hike taxes on UK solar

Posted by Richard Casson — 15 December 2016 at 2:09pm - Comments
Solar panel being carried by worker
by-nc. Credit: Greenpeace / Jonas Scheu

This morning I sent an email to Greenpeace's email list, explaining how the government is due to introduce huge tax hikes that could have a devastating impact on the UK solar industry. Here's the email below in case you missed it, and a link to the petition you can sign to push back.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace reacts to the appointment of Theresa May’s Cabinet and the demise of DECC

Last edited 14 July 2016 at 5:03pm
14 July, 2016

The appointment of Theresa May’s top team brings uncertainty for the protection of our countryside and wildlife as well as the UK’s status as an international leader on tackling climate change according to Greenpeace analysis.

On the appointment of Boris Johnson, David Davies and Liam Fox, the environmental organisation expressed potential concern given their voting record and links to climate sceptic funders and think tanks.  EnergyDesk analysis shows that David Davies has also taken funding from Michael Hintze and voted against the environmental agenda, voting against decarbonisation targets and in favour of cuts to subsidies for renewables.

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