gordon brown

Greenpeace comment on Gordon Brown's appointment as Prime Minister

Last edited 27 June 2007 at 10:03am
27 June, 2007

Charlie Kronick, head of Greenpeace's climate and energy campaign, said:

"We're very much looking forward to Gordon Brown being Prime Minister. Especially because, if he's serious about tackling climate change, he'll have to dump many of Blair's plans for catastrophic climate policies.

Time is ticking for the African rainforests

Posted by jamie — 5 April 2007 at 10:28am - Comments

Children of the Congo rainforest

In recent years, we've put a lot of effort into highlighting the threats facing what remains of the world's forests in North America, South America, and South East Asia. But there's one major area we haven't touched on for some time now: Africa. That's all about to change, however, and you'll be hearing more about what we've been up to in the coming weeks and months.

Climate change: We still have time!

Posted by bex — 30 October 2006 at 9:00am - Comments
Greenpeace activist climbs 700ft coal plant smoke stack

Greenpeace activist climbs 700ft coal plant smoke stack

In his review on climate change, economist and government advisor Sir Nicholas Stern says that "climate change represents the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen," but that there "is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, if we act now and act internationally." Which is exactly what we have been saying all along. The scientific and moral cases for acting against climate change have been known for some time - but it's taken an economist to spur the government into action.

Tax gas-guzzlers off our roads

Posted by bex — 15 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Exhaust of a 4x4

Climate change is already killing 150,000 people a year. If the government takes climate change as seriously as it says it does, Gordon Brown will tax gas-guzzlers off our roads tomorrow when he presents the budget.

Earlier today the Chancellor made a keynote speech describing climate change as an issue of justice and recoginsed that the millennium development goals cannot be met without stabilising the climate. He also declared his ambition to make British business the world leaders in environmental productivity.

Brown budget urged to go green

Last edited 1 December 2004 at 9:00am
1 December, 2004

Greenpeace is urging Gordon Brown to use this year's budget to tackle climate change by supporting energy efficiency, ending fuel poverty and increasing taxes on petrol, inefficient vehicles such as SUVs and aviation.

Brown takes the shine off Blair's green ambitions

Last edited 8 March 2001 at 9:00am
8 March, 2001

Greenpeace today condemned Chancellor Gordon Brown for cutting taxes on fuels that cause climate change. The campaign group described the duty cuts on climate-wrecking oil-based fuels as undermining the Prime Minister's newly unveiled green ambitions. The Budget failed to establish a comprehensive programme for real green fuels, and failed to meet the demands of health and environment and responsible motoring groups.

Matthew Spencer, Greenpeace Climate Campaigner, said:

Brown buckles and cuts fuel duties by stealth

Last edited 8 November 2000 at 9:00am
8 November, 2000
Car exhaust

Car exhaust

Greenpeace today condemned Gordon Brown for buckling to pressure and cutting diesel taxes by 3 pence.

Greenpeace and RAC Foundation demand

Last edited 25 October 2000 at 8:00am
25 October, 2000

Gordon Brown

Greenpeace and the RAC Foundation today joined forces to demand that Gordon Brown create a Green Fuel Fund of £00 million a year to protect the climate and human health by promoting alternatives to oil.