
NATO HQ blocked by replica nuclear missile

Last edited 8 June 2006 at 8:00am
Greenpeace activists block NATO's Brussels HQ with a full-size replica of a US B61 nuclear bomb

Greenpeace activists block NATO's Brussels HQ with a full-size replica of a US B61 nuclear bomb

Twenty four Greenpeace activists from the UK. Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey were arrested this morning after staging a protest at NATO's Brussels headquarters. Their demand: removal of the 480 US-owned and controlled nuclear weapons from Europe. The action occurred as NATO Defence Ministers prepared for a high-level meeting on the future of NATO.

Don't nuke Iran

Last edited 13 April 2006 at 8:00am
There are more than 30,000 nuclear weapons in the world today

There are more than 30,000 nuclear weapons in the world today

Pre-emptive peace strike, step one: keep NATO out of nuking Iran

Ditch the dodgy nukes!

Posted by bex — 8 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments
Solar panels beside Sizewell B Nuclear Plant

Solar panels beside Sizewell B Nuclear Plant

Future radiation doses from waste dumping to exceed 2005 limits

Posted by bex — 4 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments
Estimates of radiation doses to the public in the future, from the release of radioactive materials from the Drigg nuclear dump site, could reach up to 30 times than the legal maximum permissible now! Moreover, Drigg, the UK's main low-level waste dump is likely to be destroyed by coastal erosion in 500 years.

Prescott trial updates

Last edited 2 November 2005 at 9:00am
Greenpeace volunteers install solar panels on Prescott's roof

Greenpeace volunteers install solar panels on Prescott's roof

Day 1 - 1 November 2005

Francis Fitzgibbon, barrister for the eight Greenpeace defendants, opened the case by submitting that the evidence of Pauline Prescott should be considered irrelevant to the case, as according to her written witness statement, it appeared she was not within sight or hearing of the protest that took place at her home on April 26. Section 5 of the Public Order Act, with which the defendants are all charged, states that the alleged behaviour must take place within sight or hearing of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress as a result.

New nuclear weapons - we don't want them!

Last edited 25 October 2005 at 8:00am
Unnecessary and unwanted: a replacement for the Trident missile system

Unnecessary and unwanted: a replacement for the Trident missile system

MOD refuses information on Trident replacement

Last edited 21 October 2005 at 8:00am
With the Soviet Union gone, the veil of deterrence Trident was hiding behind vanished

With the Soviet Union gone, the veil of deterrence Trident was hiding behind vanished

The truth is out: Bush's new nuclear stance

Last edited 4 October 2005 at 8:00am
George Bush

George Bush

The truth is out. According to a confidential Pentagon document, the US government's masterplan for total global domination now includes using its nuclear weapons pre-emptively - even in conventional war situations.

A draft of "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations" shows that instead of reducing the role of nuclear weapons as originally promised, the Bush administration is pushing aggressive new policies that are set to become normal US military practice.

Pledge action against airport expansion

Posted by bex — 8 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
airport expansion pledge logo

airport expansion pledge logo

Climate treaty on the road to ratification

Posted by bex — 30 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
coal fired plant

coal fired plant