
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace response to Marine Bill

Last edited 15 March 2007 at 3:03pm
15 March, 2007

Sea anemones on Mingulay Reef, St Kilda, Scotland

Commenting on the publication of today's Marine Bill White Paper, Willie Mackenzie, oceans campaigner for Greenpeace, said:

"After climate change, protecting the oceans is one of the greatest environmental challenges, and the Government admits this. But there’s simply too many 'coulds' and not enough 'wills' in this white paper.

Gill netting

Last edited 23 September 2016 at 4:55pm

Giant tuna were plentiful on the Dogger bank on the 1950s

Tunny - giant blue fin tuna - caught off the Dogger Bank in 1953, when an estimated 3-4,000 were caught each year. Since then they have disappeared from the North Sea.

Gill netting

Esperanza bound for Japan to continue anti-whaling campaign

Posted by jossc — 10 March 2007 at 3:56pm - Comments

MY Esperanza arrives in Sydney, Australia

MY Esperanza arrives in Sydney, Australia

We're taking our anti-whaling campaign to Japan, where the government plans to increase its whaling activities despite opposition from two-thirds of the Japanese public.

Supermarkets league table 2006: Iceland - 9th place

Last edited 12 February 2007 at 5:36pm
Icelad - bottom of our 2006 sustainable seafood league-table

Iceland's promise of a new sustainable seafood policy is an exciting development. While it is not possible to assess this policy at this time, Iceland is keen to engage with Greenpeace on this issue once the policy has been finalised.

Supermarkets league table 2006: Somerfield - 8th place

Last edited 12 February 2007 at 5:29pm
Somerfield slipped to 8th in our 2006 sustainable seafood rankingsIt is disappointing that Somerfield has not yet chosen to develop a more comprehensive sustainable seafood procurement policy. However the retailer has at least shown a commitment to follow retail standards by delisting the most unsustainable seafood and it does have a basic aquaculture policy.

Supermarkets league table 2006: Tesco - 5th place

Last edited 12 February 2007 at 5:20pm
Tesco climb to joint 5th in our sustainable seafood league tableTesco's decision to be somewhat more transparent with its new sourcing policies has revealed that the company is moving forward on sustainability issues with some success. At present, much of the policy is limited to the fresh and chilled pre-packed ranges, ignoring the frozen, ready-meal or tinned seafood, which is unfortunate as these ranges encompass the majority of the seafood sold.

Supermarkets league table 2006: Morrisons - 5th place

Last edited 12 February 2007 at 5:11pm

Morrisons has made a substantial commitment to sourcing sustainable seafood by delisting aMorrisons ranking rose 32 places to 5th in 2006 large range of species and increasing the range of alternative species available to customers.

Pair trawling animation

Last edited 26 January 2007 at 5:42pm

Almost a quarter of all the sea creatures caught in global fisheries are killed and discarded - falling prey to destructive and indiscriminate fishing methods like pair trawling. The fishing industry refers to these 'non-targeted' species as bycatch. They are also known as fish, whales, dolphins, porpoises, fur seals, albatrosses and turtles.

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