papua new guinea

Blackburn doctor settles into new home - the dense forests of Papua New Guinea

Last edited 11 May 2006 at 8:00am
11 May, 2006

Blackburn doctor Reza Hossain is spending this week settling into his new home - the dense forests of Papua New Guinea. Reza flew across the world last Tuesday to join a Greenpeace camp trying to save the world-renowned Paradise Forests, which stretch from South East Asia, across the islands of Indonesia, on to Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands in the Pacific.

From our own correspondent

Posted by admin — 9 May 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Greenpeace volunteer Reza Hossain helps to demarcate traditional land boundaries

Deep in the forests of Papua New Guinea, part of the Paradise Forests that stretch across South East Asia, Greenpeace has established a Global Forest Rescue Station. It's purpose: to help the clans and tribes of the region to mark out their lands which are theirs by law but are at risk from the unscrupulous activities of logging companies.

From our own correspondent

Posted by admin — 9 May 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Greenpeace volunteer Reza Hossain

Deep in the forests of Papua New Guinea, part of the Paradise Forests that stretch across South East Asia, Greenpeace has established a Global Forest Rescue Station. It's purpose: to help the clans and tribes of the region to mark out their lands which are theirs by law but are at risk from the unscrupulous activities of logging companies.

"The forest is the lifeline of the people"

Posted by admin — 12 April 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Brian Baring, a customary landowner from Papua New Guinea

During his visit to the UK to highlight the threat to the forests of Papua New Guinea, we caught up with Brian Baring for a quick chat about his European mission. Listen to Brian talk about life in the forests and what people in the UK can do to help stop the illegal logging.

Please - stop buying wood that is stolen from my people

Posted by admin — 30 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

PNG landowner Brian Baring outside the offices of Montague L Meyer, responsible for rainforest destruction

Brian Baring, a member of the Gingilang clan, hails from Papua New Guinea and has been involved in protecting the country's ancient forests for some time. His clan have been custodians of the land for thousands of years and are now legally the customary landowners.

Sharing the Blame: China's role in ancient forest destruction

Last edited 29 March 2006 at 5:35pm
Publication date: 
29 March, 2006


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Sharing the blame: China's role in the illegal timber market

Posted by admin — 29 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Timber from Papua New Guinea in a Chinese timber yard

Of China, Napoleon once said to let it sleep. When it wakes, he warned, the world will tremble. It will have escaped no one's attention that that time has almost certainly come, and as China grows in virtually every measurable way, so does its appetite for raw materials including timber.

Greenpeace sails into Papua to protect rainforest 'Eden'

Last edited 14 March 2006 at 9:00am
14 March, 2006

The Greenpeace flagship, Rainbow Warrior, sailed into the Indonesian province of Papua for the first time today as part of a global campaign to help protect the world's last ancient forests.

Forest rescue station launched

Posted by admin — 28 February 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Local foresters help Greenpeace volunteers mark out land boundaries near Lake Murray

In the remote forests of Papau New Guinea, illegal and destructive logging continues to threaten both the local communities and the fragile ecosystem. But today Greenpeace launched a major initiative to help indigenous tribes establish their rights to the land they have occupied for generations.

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