press releases

EU Parliament votes to phase out certain hazardous chemicals...

Last edited 17 November 2005 at 9:00am
17 November, 2005

...but allows 1000's of other potentially hazardous chemicals to remain untested

Greenpeace today (17th November 2005) recognised the important step taken by the EU Parliament in Strasbourg this morning towards replacing hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives but expressed regret that MEPs have chosen to exempt thousands of other chemicals from the need to provide any health and safety information.

NGOs urge Blair not to turn his back on climate change

Last edited 11 November 2005 at 9:00am
11 November, 2005

Leading Non-Government Organisations - including Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth, the Women's Institute and Worldwide Fund for Nature - have written to Tony Blair urging him not to undermine the Kyoto Protocol or retreat from a target-based approach to cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

Japanese Whalers to Kill Endangered Species

Last edited 8 November 2005 at 9:00am
8 November, 2005

For immediate release: Tuesday 8th November 2005

The Japanese whaling fleet left port this morning to kill almost 1,000 whales, including endangered fin whales.

The fleet is heading towards the Southern Ocean, flouting an international ban on commercial whaling. Earlier this year, Japan announced its intention to more than double its cull of minke whales to 935 and to increase its programme further by killing 70 fin and 50 humpback whales - both of which are endangered - within the next three years.

Greenpeace volunteers found guilty for installing solar panels on Prescott's roof

Last edited 3 November 2005 at 9:00am
3 November, 2005

Eight Greenpeace volunteers today expressed disappointment at being found guilty by Hull Magistrates Court of charges relating to a protest on April 26th this year during which they installed solar panels on the roof of Deputy PM John Prescott's Hull residence (1).

Swimming in dangerous waters: UK eels show highest levels of fire retardent

Last edited 2 November 2005 at 9:00am
3 November, 2005

Today a Greenpeace study shows how toxic man-made chemicals are contaminating the European eel population [1]. The study of European eels (Anguilla anguilla) from 20 rivers and lakes in 10 EU countries [2] found that eels from every location contained residues of at least one brominated flame retardant (BFR) compound, indicating the widespread dispersal of these chemicals in European waters. Levels of BFRs found in a sample of UK eels from the River Thames were more than double those recorded in the majority of other samples in this study.

Greenpeace volunteers deny 'terrorising' the Prescott's when installing solar panels

Last edited 2 November 2005 at 9:00am
2 November, 2005

Eight Greenpeace volunteers appeared in court today to strongly reject the accusation that they 'terrorised' Pauline Prescott when installing solar panels on the roof of the Deputy PM's Hull house in April this year.

The defendants deny that they 'used threatening or abusive behaviour' and testified that they were undertaking a calm, peaceful protest to highlight how Prescott's department's failure to improve the energy efficiency of UK homes is fuelling catastrophic climate change.

Appeal court rules not to interfere with government's hollow dolphin protection measures

Last edited 1 November 2005 at 9:00am
1 November, 2005

The Court of Appeal today (Monday 31st October) ruled that it was legal for the government to make an order to limit pair trawling despite the fact that scientific evidence suggested the order would kill more dolphins than it would save.

ASDA nets last place in league table

Last edited 26 October 2005 at 8:00am
26 October, 2005

Supermarket fish policies fuelling destruction at sea

October 27th 2005

Poll reveals majority oppose building of new UK nuclear weapon

Last edited 25 October 2005 at 8:00am
25 October, 2005

End of Cold War sees collapse in support for nuclear weapons

Issued: Monday 24th October 2005: A new MORI poll released today by Greenpeace reveals that more people oppose than support building a new nuclear weapons system to replace Trident (1). When presented with the estimated cost of Trident's replacement, a majority (54%) of the British public oppose the development of a new nuclear weapons system. Only one in three (33%) support their development.

Greenpeace blockade government building with illegally imported timber

Last edited 19 October 2005 at 8:00am
19 October, 2005

Flagship Government offices were today (19th October) blockaded by Greenpeace in protest at the tonnes of illegal timber from the world's last rainforests that continues to flood into the UK.

The Government has known about the illegal trade for years, yet has failed to do anything to stop illegal timber entering the UK.

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