press releases

Greenpeace reaction to the 2006 Budget

Last edited 22 March 2006 at 9:00am
22 March, 2006

Greenpeace executive director Stephen Tindale said:

"This budget may be the first sign that we're about to get a Prime Minister who acts on climate change instead of just talking about it. Many of these measures will make a difference if properly implemented, though the real test for Brown comes next month when the government has to decide how much carbon British industry is allowed to emit.

Greenpeace welcome Morrison's pledge to green their seafood buying policy

Last edited 20 March 2006 at 9:00am
20 March, 2006

Greenpeace today scored another success in their campaign to 'green' supermarket seafood buying policies as Morrison's agreed to change their policy.The move means that the four biggest UK supermarkets have now committed to sourcing their seafood from sustainable sources.

Mayor Rejects Nuclear London

Last edited 16 March 2006 at 9:00am
16 March, 2006

This Thursday (16th March) Ken Livingstone will criticise proposals for building new nuclear power stations across the UK as he outlines his vision for a low carbon London at the Greenpeace Business Lecture.

Addressing business leaders at the Greenpeace lecture the Mayor will launch a new report, Powering London into the 21st century. The report details how decentralising London's energy would be far more efficient in cutting the city's CO2 emissions, and the demand for imported gas as opposed to pursuing a centralised nuclear power focused national energy policy (1).

Greenpeace sails into Papua to protect rainforest 'Eden'

Last edited 14 March 2006 at 9:00am
14 March, 2006

The Greenpeace flagship, Rainbow Warrior, sailed into the Indonesian province of Papua for the first time today as part of a global campaign to help protect the world's last ancient forests.

Brazilian President urged to do more for Amazon

Last edited 7 March 2006 at 9:00am
7 March, 2006

Greenpeace volunteers today took to The Mall in Brazilian football shirts to hold a silent vigil for the Amazon, as President Lula passed in a carriage procession with The Queen.

Greenpeace Anti-Nuclear Action Hits Torness

Last edited 3 March 2006 at 9:00am
3 March, 2006

24th February 2006

An enormous 'KAPOW!' was projected onto Torness nuclear site earlier this morning by Greenpeace volunteers - to highlight the risk of a terrorist attack on Britain's nuclear power stations.

The Greenpeace projection comes at a time when the government is conducting an Energy Review to decide whether or not a new generation of nuclear reactors should be built in the UK. Yet just last month Greenpeace released a dossier of expert evidence which outlined the vulnerability of the UK's current nuclear sites to terrorist attack. It details:

Greenpeace Anti-Nuclear Action Hits Oldbury

Last edited 2 March 2006 at 9:00am
2 March, 2006

An enormous 'KAPOW!' was projected onto Oldbury nuclear site earlier this morning by Greenpeace volunteers - to highlight the risk of a terrorist attack on Britain's nuclear power stations.

The Greenpeace projection comes at a time when the Government is conducting an Energy Review to decide whether or not a new generation of nuclear reactors should be built in the UK. Yet just last month Greenpeace released a dossier of expert evidence which outlined the vulnerability of the UK's current nuclear sites to terrorist attack. It details:

Greenpeace response to government rejection of Whinash windfarm plans

Last edited 2 March 2006 at 9:00am
2 March, 2006

In response to today's announcement by the government that they have rejected plans to build what would have been England's largest windfarm at Whinash in Cumbria, Stephen Tindale, Executive Director of Greenpeace, said:

"Any Government that wants to expand airports and turn down windfarms is simply not fit to govern. It's hard to believe that the nuclear industry has not played some role in this.

Greenpeace launches rescue station to protect rainforest 'Paradise'

Last edited 28 February 2006 at 9:00am
28 February, 2006

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, February 28, 2006
Greenpeace today launched a major initiative to help protect Asia Pacific's last remaining ancient rainforests - the so-called 'Paradise Forests' [1] - by unveiling its Global Forest Rescue Station in a remote part of Papua New Guinea.

Make Piracy History

Last edited 27 February 2006 at 9:00am
27 February, 2006

Cape Town, Monday February 27th 2006: After spending 73 days at sea defending the whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, the Greenpeace ship MY Esperanza is preparing to set sail again, this time to turn world attention on the plague of pirate fishing (1). Every day, in every ocean, pirate fishing boats are stealing fish and leaving a trail of environmental destruction in their wake.

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