press releases

CBI energy report - Greenpeace response

Last edited 12 July 2009 at 10:59am
12 July, 2009

In a report released tomorrow (Monday) the CBI is expected to call for the contribution from wind power to be reduced in favour of nuclear energy as means of decarbonising the electricity sector.

Commenting on the CBI report, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

"The CBI claims to represent the interests of British industry, but by calling for wind power's contribution to our renewable energy targets to be reduced it's actually doing its members a great disservice."

He continued:

Britain ready for huge increase in wind power as new report scuppers anti-wind arguments

Last edited 8 July 2009 at 11:01am
8 July, 2009

Britain's energy system is already capable of taking a large amount of wind power, according to a new report released today by a leading energy expert. 

The report shows that there is no technical reason why a significant amount of energy generated by wind cannot be used to supply the National Grid. 

And, as the report is launched, Britain's leading environmental organisations are calling on the Government to listen to the experts and provide a boost to the country's wind industry. 

Key findings include: 

Greenpeace response to news that offshore wind could power 19m homes

Last edited 24 June 2009 at 3:08pm
24 June, 2009

Responding to news today that offshore wind farms in the UK could power 19m homes, Dr Doug Parr, Greenpeace chief scientist, said: 

"Offshore wind farms must be a key part of the UK's future energy supply. And they won't just generate electricity, they'll also generate thousands of British jobs and help tackle energy security. 

"But if Britain is to get all the benefits that offshore wind will provide, the government must do more to support the industry." 


Greenpeace press office: 020 7865 8255

Hundreds of revellers to form big 'NO' at Glastonbury in protest at airport expansion

Last edited 24 June 2009 at 3:05pm
24 June, 2009

Hundreds of pilots, stewardesses, train drivers and passengers will attempt to form the biggest human "NO" ever seen at Glastonbury festival at midday on Saturday, in protest at the government's plans for airport expansion.

Kingsnorth stand-off ends

Last edited 22 June 2009 at 6:51pm
22 June, 2009

A dramatic stand-off at Kingsnorth power station in Kent has ended after four Greenpeace campaigners, who boarded a coal freighter bound for the power station last night, came down from the foremast after being served with an injunction.

Greenpeace volunteers intercepted the freighter using rigid inflatable speedboats just after midnight this morning. As the ship sped towards Kingsnorth the campaigners attached climbing ladders to the vessel and scaled the 15 metre hull.

Campaigners swim in front of 20,000 tonne coal freighter to block Kingsnorth shipment

Last edited 22 June 2009 at 10:12am
22 June, 2009

12.30am - A dramatic stand-off is unfolding at Kingsnorth power station in Kent where climate change campaigners have boarded a moving bulk freighter carrying coal to Britain's most controversial power plant. Three women are swimming in the river Medway in front of the massive freighter and are stopping it loading while climbers are hanging off the side of the ship. Dozens of police officers and a helicopter are on the scene.

Greenpeace backs Nick Clegg Trident announcement

Last edited 17 June 2009 at 1:46pm
17 June, 2009

Greenpeace today welcomed the announcement by Nick Clegg that the Liberal Democrats would review the decision to replace the Trident nuclear weapons system.

And they also urged the government to delay the ‘initial gate' process for the proposed successor submarine - which commits up to an estimated £2.1bn to the start of design work (1).

The Ministry of Defence currently plans to make the decision about whether to proceed with initial gate this September while Parliament is in recess.

Miliband coal consultation - Greenpeace response

Last edited 17 June 2009 at 11:34am
17 June, 2009

Commenting on the launch today of a new government consultation on the future of coal in Britain, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

Geoff Hoon resignation - Greenpeace response

Last edited 5 June 2009 at 4:15pm
5 June, 2009

Commenting on Geoff Hoon's resignation, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

Greenpeace hails 'signs of climate leadership' at last

Last edited 23 April 2009 at 2:31pm

But huge risks mean campaign continues

23 April, 2009

Following today's announcement by Ed Miliband of new regulations for coal plants and the launch of a consultation on coal policy, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

"At last Ed Miliband is demonstrating welcome signs of climate leadership in the face of resistance from Whitehall officials and cabinet colleagues. He is the first minister in twelve years to throw down the gauntlet to the energy companies and demand they start taking climate change seriously."

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