press releases

Leading environmental and development groups attack government's biofuel plans

Last edited 24 March 2008 at 10:34am

NGOs echo words of top DEFRA scientist and demand biofuel obligation be postponed

24 March, 2008

A coalition of some of Britain's biggest environmental and development groups have sent a joint letter (1) to Government warning that the UK's biofuel policy risks doing more harm than good in the fight against climate change and global poverty.

The intervention intensifies pressure on the Government following a BBC interview in which Professor Bob Watson, DEFRA's chief scientific advisor, cast serious doubt on the plans and insisted that it would be "insane" if the policy ended up having the opposite effect to the one intended. (2)

Greenpeace response to Brown security speech

Last edited 19 March 2008 at 5:02pm
19 March, 2008

Reacting to Gordon Brown's speech today launching the government's new national security strategy, Greenpeace campaigner Louise Edge said:

"It's obviously good news that Brown seems to be adopting a joined up approach to the real security issues facing the UK public.

"But he simply can't square his commitment to freeing the world from nuclear weapons with last year's decision to renew Trident.

The Budget - Greenpeace response

Last edited 12 March 2008 at 3:31pm
12 March, 2008

Responding to today's budget, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

Greenpeace response to Stansted submission

Last edited 11 March 2008 at 2:27pm
11 March, 2008

Responding to BAA's submission of a planning application for a second runway at Stansted airport, Anna Jones, Greenpeace Aviation campaigner said:

"Whatever their executives might say, BAA's dangerous expansion plans smack of growth at any cost. Doubling the number of flights from Stansted and Heathrow at a time when the scientists are telling us we need to urgently slash our emissions is madness. The company will find a passionate majority of people who are ready to fight this runway, for the sake of the local area and their children's future.

London to slash emissions from public buildings - Greenpeace response

Last edited 28 February 2008 at 12:39pm
28 February, 2008

Reacting to news of a major initiative to "retrofit" London's public buildings - including police and fire stations - to cut energy waste, Greenpeace Chief Scientist Dr Doug Parr said:

"London is setting the pace, and if we're going to beat climate change then we need to see this level of ambition in cities across the world. Slashing energy waste and decentralising power across the capital will save Londoners money and cut emissions, but just as importantly it will mean our city is seen as an environmental trailblazer.

Climate campaigners bring protest to Heathrow

Last edited 25 February 2008 at 11:59am

'Hole in security not as big as hole in climate policy' as Greenpeace hangs huge banner off BA tailfin.

25 February, 2008

Climate campaigners climbed onto the top of a Manchester to London plane after it parked at Heathrow Airport’s Terminal One at 9.45am this morning. They are now covering the tailfin with a huge protest banner that reads "CLIMATE EMERGENCY – NO 3rd RUNWAY".

The Greenpeace volunteers – two women and two men – waited until all the passengers had disembarked from the one hour flight before walking through double doors at Terminal One, crossing an area of tarmac and climbing stairs onto the fuselage of the British Airways flight.

Government announces major biofuel review - Greenpeace responds

Last edited 21 February 2008 at 4:04pm
21 February, 2008

Greenpeace today welcomed the government's announcement of a scientific review into the impacts of biofuels, but insisted that Britain's biofuel targets be suspended until the full consequences of the technology are properly understood.

The study, to be conducted by the UK's new Renewable Fuels Agency (1), will look both at the immediate impact of biofuels and at so-called "indirect effects".

Prince Charles warns government over coal - Greenpeace responds

Last edited 14 February 2008 at 5:11pm
14 February, 2008

Prince Charles today raised serious doubts over proposals to build new, conventional coal fired power stations like one currently being considered by the government at Kingsnorth in Kent.

Greenpeace response to London gas-guzzler congestion charge rise

Last edited 12 February 2008 at 1:00am
12 February, 2008

Responding to Ken Livingstone's announcement today that gas-guzzling vehicles will have to pay £25 a day to enter London's congestion charge zone, Greenpeace Chief Scientist Dr Doug Parr said:

"Gas guzzlers have no place in a modern city like London, so it's great news that the congestion charge will give people a big incentive to pollute less.

Top Nasa scientist slams UK plans for coal power station

Last edited 8 February 2008 at 2:18pm
8 February, 2008

Plans for the UK’s first coal power station in a generation are a “terrible idea”, said the world’s most eminent climate scientist this morning.

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