
Shell to face hostility over Arctic drilling at AGM

Last edited 18 May 2015 at 10:33am
18 May, 2015

A coalition of environmental groups is attending Shell’s AGM tomorrow to challenge Shell on its intention to drill in the melting Arctic Ocean this summer. They aim to highlight the inconsistencies between Arctic drilling and Shell’s rhetoric on climate change and environmental safety.

The coalition includes Greenpeace, Oil Change International and Platform. Other protest groups expected to turn up include 350, fossil free, global witness and representatives from first nation communities in Alaska.

Greenpeace response to Obama's defence of Shell

Last edited 15 May 2015 at 3:22pm
15 May, 2015

In response to President Obama’s statement this afternoon in defence of Shell’s Arctic drilling, Greenpeace spokesperson Travis Nichols said:

Deepwater Horizon five year anniversary: Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 17 April 2015 at 5:15pm
17 April, 2015

In response to the five year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico which killed 11 people and spilled five million barrels of oil, Ian Duff, Arctic campaigner, said:

“The Deepwater Horizon disaster was a truly shocking episode. People everywhere were stunned by the carnage the oil industry had wrought, and how incompetent it was at dealing with the disaster. There was a huge amount of anger.

Frozen Future: The gaps in Shell's Arctic spill response

Last edited 13 April 2015 at 6:08pm
Publication date: 
13 April, 2015

Shell is currently moving its drilling rigs to Seattle in anticipation of resuming its US offshore Arctic drilling programme in July. However, it is far from clear that Shell has adequate physical or financial plans to deal with the impacts of a major oil spill in this remote region. 

Download the report:

Greenpeace Climbers Leave Arctic Oil Drilling Rig

Last edited 12 April 2015 at 8:45am
12 April, 2015

The six climbers who safely intercepted, scaled, and set up camp on an Arctic-bound Shell oil drilling rig in the Pacific have come down after spending almost a week on the 38,000 tonne platform.

The multi-national team of volunteers abseiled off the rig and into inflatable boats, before returning to the Greenpeace ship Esperanza, which has been stationed close by for the last week.

Greenpeace responds to Shell injunction

Last edited 8 April 2015 at 10:11am
8 April, 2015

In response to the injunction Shell has taken out this evening against Greenpeace USA, Annie Leonard, Greenpeace USA executive director, said:

“This injunction is Shell’s latest attempt to keep people from standing up for the Arctic. Shell thinks it can do whatever it wants, but there’s one thing the company still clearly fears--ordinary people standing up to save the Arctic.

“Shell wants activists off its rig. We want Shell out of the Arctic.

Six Greenpeace climbers scale Shell’s Arctic-bound oil rig

Last edited 6 April 2015 at 8:37pm
6 April, 2015

Six Greenpeace climbers have intercepted an Arctic-bound Shell oil rig in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 750 miles north-west of Hawaii and have scaled the 38,000 tonne platform.

The multi-national team of volunteers will set up camp on the underside of the Polar Pioneer’s main deck. They have supplies to last for several days and are equipped with technology which will allow them to communicate with supporters around the world in real-time, despite being hundreds of miles from land.

US approves Shell’s Arctic drilling lease

Last edited 9 April 2015 at 11:32am
31 March, 2015

In response to the US Department of Interior’s approval of Shell Oil’s Chukchi Sea drilling lease, Greenpeace Arctic campaigner Ian Duff said:

“It’s an indefensible decision. The Arctic is melting rapidly because of climate change. But instead of seeing it as a warning, Shell sees profit. It wants to drill for more of the stuff that caused the melting in the first place. And all the evidence shows Shell can’t drill safely in the Arctic. The extreme conditions means it’s when, not if, a spill will happen.

Frozen Future: Shell and the US offshore Arctic

Last edited 16 February 2015 at 12:05pm
Publication date: 
13 February, 2015

On 29 January 2015, Royal Dutch Shell confirmed that it intends, subject to regulatory approval, to resume its US Arctic drilling programme at a cost for 2015 of at least $1bn. To date, Shell's Arctic programme has been a failure despite capital expenditure in excess of $6bn. 2012's drilling season beset by multiple operational failings was followed by a 'pause' for 2013 and a forced reversal of 2014 plans because of a US court decision.

Download the report:

Shell commits to drill in Arctic: Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 29 January 2015 at 12:08pm
29 January, 2015

In response to Shell’s announcement it intends to drill in the Alaskan Arctic this year if it gets the right permits, Charlie Kronick, campaigner at Greenpeace said: