
How the toxic waste was won

Posted by jamie — 29 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments


Sitting behind a desk in London, it's sometimes easy to forget we're part of an organisation working in places all over the planet. The mundanity of everyday life acts a kind of blinker and even with email, the exotic locations some people work in still seem very far away. It's all relative of course, but then something happens to peel back those blinkers and put what we do in context.

Rainbow Warrior to transport supplies for MSF's humanitarian work in Lebanon

Last edited 2 August 2006 at 8:00am
Rainbow Warrior II

Rainbow Warrior II

We have offered Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) the use of the Rainbow Warrior for transporting much-needed supplies to Lebanon. The vessel was already in the Mediterranean and has now docked in Larnaca, Cyprus for loading medical supplies.

GM on trial

Posted by bex — 31 August 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Thirteen Greenpeace volunteers go on trial at Cardiff Crown Court on 1 September facing a charge of 'public nuisance'. This charge relates to their part in temporarily stopping a shipment of GM feed off the coast of South Wales last June.

Arctic glacier caught speeding

Posted by bex — 21 July 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

A glacier in Greenland

Independent scientists on board the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise have made a dramatic discovery about the Greenland glacier Kangerdlugssuaq. Preliminary findings show that the speed of the glacier has increased beyond all expectations and it is now travelling at three times the speed it was in 1988 making it one of the fastest moving glaciers in the world.

You can't sink a rainbow

Last edited 12 July 2005 at 8:00am
Rainbow Warrior 20th anniversary commemoration in Paris

Rainbow Warrior 20th anniversary commemoration in Paris

On 10th July 500 Greenpeace volunteers gatherered in the Esplanade Tracodéro to create a human peace sign in commemoration of the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior 20 years earlier.

Letters Home

Last edited 31 March 2004 at 9:00am
Mike, second mate on the MV Esperanza

Mike, second mate on the MY Esperanza

Pictures of climate change from the disappearing glaciers of Patagonia

Last edited 10 February 2004 at 9:00am
10 February, 2004

Greenpeace today released new visual evidence of the impacts of climate change. Dramatic new photos of Patagonian glaciers taken by a research team on board the Greenpeace vessel Arctic Sunrise show the extent of glacier retreat this century, when compared to photos of the same glaciers taken from the same point in 1928.

Victory at the IMO

Last edited 24 November 2003 at 9:00am

The International Maritime Organisation has decided not to expel Greenpeace for "unsafe seamanship". The charges - made by flag of convenience states and other targets of Greenpeace direct actions, were discussed at an IMO meeting on 21 November.

Prior to the meeting, thousands of cyberactivists from around the world sent messages of protest to selected delegations that were wavering or supporting our eviction.

In the final forty-eight hours before Friday's meeting, member states began to express their support explicitly.

Esperanza refused entry to US port

Last edited 28 October 2003 at 9:00am

Our ship the MY Esperanza has been refused access to docking space in Miami, USA because the local port authorities claim it is a "security risk". The Port of Miami cites an outstanding court case the Bush administration is pursuing against Greenpeace in the USA, as the reason for its refusal to allow the ship to berth.

Rainbow Warrior to Visit Cardiff

Last edited 19 September 2003 at 8:00am
19 September, 2003

Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior will be docking in Cardiff on Sunday 28 September 2003 and offering all visitors an opportunity to tour the environmental icon, meet the crew, speak to campaigners and learn about the threat of global warming.

The arrival of the 55-metre vessel, famous for her environmental campaigns around the world, will represent a massive show of support for the proposed wind farm three miles off the coast of south Wales, at Scarweather Sands. The wind farm will provide clean, green, renewable energy for up to 80,000 homes.