
Greenpeace Reveals Environmental Policy Conflict at the Heart of Liberal Democrats

Last edited 13 May 2013 at 9:40am

Activists scale building in minister’s constituency

13 May, 2013

Greenpeace has this morning released confidential internal policy documents from Transport Minister Norman Baker that shows how he is blocking new legislation to reduce carbon emissions from new cars. The proposed law could save motorists up to £400 per year, and have been proposed by leading Liberal Democrat MEP Fiona Hall.

In the leaked briefing Baker and his officials call for ‘opposing’ a proposal by Liberal Democrat Fiona Hall, who sits on the Industry Research  and Energy (ITRE) committee of the European Parliament, which called for the reduction of CO2 emissions from all new cars to 70g CO2/km for 2025. In the document the minister explains why he wants MEPs to vote against his fellow Lib Dem’s proposal.

Among the other details the internal documents show are:

Win! VW has turned away from the Dark Side

Posted by jamie — 5 March 2013 at 6:52pm - Comments
Stormtroopers in London on the campaign launch
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
Half a million Jedi can't be wrong

After nearly two years of campaigning by more than 526,000 of you across the planet, VW has turned away from the Dark Side and committed to make cleaner and more efficient cars.

That means VW will also meet strong EU CO2 reduction targets.

This is big, because using less oil means less pollution, less impact on the climate and less pressure on vulnerable places like the Arctic.

How you made VW see the light

Posted by jamie — 5 March 2013 at 3:56pm - Comments

After nearly 2 years and 520,683 people pressuring VW, they've finally agreed to make cleaner and more efficient cars. VW announced that it will meet new EU car efficiency targets for 2020. That means its entire fleet will average 95g/km (about 4 litres/100km) per vehicle by 2020. VW is Europe’s biggest car-maker, the seconde biggest in the world, so this is big news. Using less oil means less pollution, less impact on the climate and less pressure on vulnerable places like the Arctic. Here's how you made it happen...

New year, new VW?

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 11 January 2013 at 5:52pm - Comments
Activists protest VW at the Vienna car show
All rights reserved. Credit: Georg Mayer / Greenpeace

How’s your New Year’s resolutions list going? We’re waiting to hear how Volkswagen has begun 2013.

This morning more than 25 Greenpeace activists protested against the carmaker’s stance on the climate outside the Vienna car show. Handing out leaflets and making the point that VW can do better, we were hoping that the company makes some strong commitments.

Just how important is 'environmental protection' to VW?

Posted by Louise Edge — 28 November 2012 at 1:33pm - Comments
50 Greenpeace volunteers protest against the high fuel consumption of the new Vo
All rights reserved. Credit: Gordon Welters / Greenpeace
VW is still pushing for weaker emissions laws in Europe

"Environmental protection is the top priority for Volkswagen". So says the blurb for VW’s latest PR initiative. But according to a story in yesterday’s Guardian newspaper it seems no one told their lobbyists…

The story reveals that the VDA, the lobby group that represents VW along with fellow German carmakers BMW and Daimler, wants to make a big hole in a proposed EU law to control CO2 emissions from even bigger cars.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Osborne's assault on our environment

Posted by Richardg — 6 September 2012 at 12:46pm - Comments
Greenpeace activists climb onto the top of a plane at London Heathrow Airport
All rights reserved. Credit: Nick Cobbing / Greenpeace
Greenpeace activists climb onto the top of a plane at London Heathrow Airport

The Cabinet reshuffle could unleash an unprecedented assault on our environment. It’s time mainstream politicians put their differences aside and worked together to stop George Osborne.

Greenpeace response to Heathrow expansion calls

Last edited 28 August 2012 at 12:29pm
28 August, 2012

Responding to the re-emergence of calls for the expansion of Heathrow airport, John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK, said: 

“It’s high time the aviation lobbyists realise their runway plans aren’t going to fly. The Prime Minister has personally promised that it won’t happen, and the Transport Secretary is firmly against it too. 

European Commission lacks ambition in reducing emissions from cars

Posted by sara_a — 13 July 2012 at 12:19pm - Comments
Stormtrooper outside Acea car lobby meeting in Brussels
All rights reserved. Credit: Philip Reynaers/Greenpeace
Over half a million people have made it impossible for VW to openly oppose targets

This week the European Commission published a new draft proposal on car efficiency for 2020. They agreed to stick with their original target but have missed a chance to go further towards getting us off our oil addiction.

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