
Greenpeace response to government ruling our Heathrow third runway

Last edited 28 June 2012 at 1:11pm
28 June, 2012

Responding to news today that the Government has reaffirmed the coalition agreement to restrict aviation expansion and rule out a third runway at Heathrow, Joss Garman, senior campaign at Greenpeace, said: 

“This looks like an embarrassing slap down for George Osborne, who has been very public in his personal backing for more runways. It’s now clear that he’s lost the argument. 

Why are car companies trying to block laws that would save us money and protect the climate?

Posted by bex — 10 May 2012 at 10:43am - Comments
Volkswagen is lobbying against critical environmental laws
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Pedro Armestre
Volkswagen is lobbying against critical environmental laws

With fuel prices at record levels and predicted to keep rising, you’d think that new European proposals to stem drivers’ costs and reduce emissions would be welcomed by all. But major car companies like VW are opposing these laws – so today we released a new report detailing how increasing efficiency will benefit both the public and the climate.

Cost of driving

Last edited 10 May 2012 at 10:39am
Publication date: 
10 May, 2012

Greenpeace commissioned an independent expert to calculate the cost savings that drivers in 15 European states can expect if EU fuel efficiency legislation is implemented as­‐is, and if it is improved.

Below you can download the research and a briefing that accompanies the research to highlight the main findings for the UK and put them in the context of today’s record high fuel prices and this summer’s expected lobby battle as EU legislation is revised.

Download the report:

The rebellion is strong! VW announces new green car targets

Posted by jamie — 8 March 2012 at 6:05pm - Comments
Volkswagen are lobbying against CO2 cuts of 30%.
All rights reserved. Credit: Nick Cobbing/Greenpeace
VW's announcement is a step forward, but much more needs to be done

Earlier this week, VW announced some improvements to its new cars that will reduce emissions by enough to beat existing European targets. It's not the success we're looking for – we're still a long way from that – but there's no doubt about it: a massive part of this is down to half a million Jedi demanding that VW lives up to the green image it paints for itself.

In short, the rebellion is strong and it's working!

VW's new advert misses a trick, so remix your own version

Posted by jamie — 2 February 2012 at 3:01pm - Comments
Dog chases Beetle in VW's new advert
Dog chases Beetle in VW's new advert

VW has launched its latest advert ahead of the US Super Bowl this weekend.

The advert is a follow-up to last year’s Little Darth one which we lampooned to reveal the Dark Side of VW’s environmental claims. It still riffs on a Star Wars theme and throws in a cute dog for good measure, but is there any mention of supporting ambitious climate laws?

VW: 500,000 Jedi can't be wrong

Posted by jamie — 1 February 2012 at 12:17pm - Comments

Our VW campaign has passed a significant milestone, as the Jedi ranks swell to over 500,000. That's an incredible half a million people demanding that Volkswagen gets behind the sort of climate laws we need to save our planet.

So thank you for signing up, recruiting your friends and keeping up the pressure on VW - it's been absolutely amazing.

Why we're supporting high-speed rail done right

Posted by jamie — 17 January 2012 at 1:18pm - Comments
Speeding train
All rights reserved. Credit: Victor Svensson
HS2 is great in principle, but the plan has plenty of holes

Last week, the government gave the thumbs-up to the first phase of the new high-speed rail network (aka HS2). Since then, debate between those for and against has filled the media including a piece in the Mail claiming Greenpeace is opposed to the project. We're not of course, but it does need correcting.

Cracks appear in VW ranks as polar bears invade Brussels motor show

Posted by jamie — 12 January 2012 at 2:33pm - Comments
Polars bears lounge around a VW Polo at the Brussels motor show
All rights reserved. Credit: Sara Ayech/Greenpeace
Polars bears lounge around a VW Polo at the Brussels motor show

VW has been ignoring our requests for a meeting, so we've paid a visit to its exhibition stand at the Brussels Motor Show.

Or, to be more precise, dozens of polar bears (including the majestic Paula Bear) have invaded the prestigious Autosalon 2012 event to protest about the impact that Volkswagen and the rest of the car industry is having on our climate and the Arctic.

Car lobby split on reducing emissions

Posted by jamie — 2 December 2011 at 4:22pm - Comments

The phalanx of stormtroopers we sent to the hush-hush car lobby meeting today have certainly had an effect. Even though it seems we were expected, their presence created a disturbance in the Force for the car industry bosses who had to walk past them, although for some it was all too much.

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