
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace tells capital 'congestion charging works'

Last edited 27 April 2005 at 8:00am
27 April, 2005

Greenpeace volunteers confronted Chelsea residents opposing the congestion charge with the message 'Save the climate - Congestion charging works'.

The message was unfurled in West London, just off Kensington High Street, on a seven metre long banner as a convoy of cars from one of London's richest areas started their protest to call for a halt to the planned extension of the congestion charging zone.

UK Housing Fuelling Climate Change

Last edited 26 April 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
26 April, 2005


Britain's homes are responsible for 28% of our CO2 emissions. The average UK home emits more than a car a year. The government is embarking on a massive new house building programme over the coming years which presents a prime opportunity to reverse this trend. If the government is serious about tackling climate change, it needs to adopt tough new standards to make sure the nation's new homes are part of the solution, not adding to the problem.

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Oil company profile JET/Conoco

Last edited 1 April 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
1 March, 2001

Greenpeace media briefing

JET/Conoco, an American company, is one of the ten largest oil companies in the world. The marketing and retailing (downstream) end of the business uses the name JET, while the exploration and production (upstream) end uses the name Conoco. JET/Conoco bosses have consistently denied the link between the oil they produce and global warming. Worse still, JET/Conoco is one of the major funders of US president George Bush, who has recently reneged on a pre-election pledge to tackle greenhouse gas emissions.

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