
Greenpeace responds to reports of change in speed limit

Last edited 30 September 2011 at 12:43pm
29 September, 2011

Commenting on reports in The Independent newspaper (1) that the government will announce that the speed limit will be raised to 80mph, Greenpeace's senior transport campaigner Emma Gibson said:

"The Saudi oil Minister will rub his hands with glee when he learns of Philip Hammond's decision. At a time when North Sea oil production is going down and we are ever more reliant upon unstable regimes and fragile environments to fuel our cars, the Transport Secretary's decision will raise oil consumption and carbon emissions when we need to cut both."

VW film competition: classic Greenpeace films - A Time Comes

Posted by Richardg — 30 August 2011 at 1:51pm - Comments
The Greenpeace activists who closed down Kingsnorth coal-fired power station
All rights reserved. Credit: Will Rose / Greenpeace
Watch this classic film about our action against Kingsnorth coal power station

In just under three weeks we'll be rolling out the red carpets and challenging film makers to turn the cameras on Volkswagen. If you're in London, why not join us at the Curzon Soho at 10am, Saturday 17 September for the launch?

VW film competition: classic Greenpeace films - Nestle

Posted by Richardg — 19 August 2011 at 11:15am - Comments

Picture the scene: you're revving up to enter our Volkswagen film competition, to expose its dirty lobbying against strong climate change laws. But you need some inspiration to get the creative juices flowing. So how about reviewing some of our classic films for campaigns gone by?

After last week's ancient forests epic, we’re sticking with the forests theme with Give The Orang-utan A Break.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Most succesful internet advert ever spoofed by Star Wars kids

Last edited 28 June 2011 at 7:27am

Volkswagen targeted in major new Greenpeace campaign

28 June, 2011

A legion of seven-year old children armed with light sabers takes on Europe's biggest carmaker today when a new film is launched spoofing the most successful viral internet advert in history. (1)

Join the rebellion and turn VW away from the dark side

Posted by jamie — 28 June 2011 at 6:18am - Comments
VW The Dark Side
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
VW has joined the Dark Side. Join the rebellion to bring the company back

It’s not every day you’re called to step up in defence of your planet – but today is one of those days. A few moments ago we launched a new global campaign to change Volkswagen by turning them away from the Dark Side, and we need your help.

Despite the green image it likes to portray, VW is at the heart of a group of companies lobbying against new laws which we need to cut CO2 emissions, reduce our oil use and protect places like the Arctic from climate change.

Only a rebellion can stop them – a mass of people from all across the globe –demanding that they change. We need you to be part of that rebellion.

Has Cameron lost his love for the huskies and our climate?

Posted by jamie — 13 May 2011 at 5:06pm - Comments
Is this really the 'greenest government ever'?
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
Is this really the 'greenest government ever'?

Is it really a year since David Cameron, newly ensconced as prime minister, assured us that the coalition would be the "greenest government ever"? It's an anniversary worth remembering, if only to consider how, in environmental terms, Cameron's government seems stuck in reverse.

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