
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Ford. Going in reverse, fast.

Posted by jamess — 8 November 2010 at 7:09pm - Comments

Update: Over 6,000 emails to Ford bosses. Yet to receive a reply.

As the clock ticks down to some pretty important laws that could potentially save us millions of barrels in oil consumption (3.6m in the UK alone), one car manufacturer is doing its best to scupper this important legislation: Ford.

We've just heard from some high-level sources that Ford is pressuring Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, to weaken the UK's position on proposed European emissions targets.

What's the opposite of greenwash?

Posted by jamess — 5 November 2010 at 3:35pm - Comments

Why are car companies hiding their progress? Photo: drinksmachine

It's not often you see car companies trying to hide their green achievements. We're more used to seeing them worn boastfully on the outside. The way Superman wears his underpants.

So why would they hide them now?

The Corporate Social Responsibility guys must be choking on their almond croissants. Today's news is something they want to shout about: fast, tangible progress on vehicle efficiency technology that reduces emissions. Greener cars, greener company. This time they don't have to make it up. But they're being hushed up by the lobbyists in the boardroom, who know that talking about these gains is going to counter their main argument with politicians: that their companies can't comply with proposed CO2 targets in time.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Acid test for the oceans

Posted by jamie — 13 May 2010 at 3:43pm - Comments

Ever wondered what this ocean acidification thing is? Wonder no longer, as this new animation from our international office explains everything you need to know in just over a minute. 

The basic upshot is that climate change is not just making the oceans warmer, it's also making them more acidic. It's only by a relatively small amount so you won't lose your toes if you go paddling, but the effects on the ocean's chemistry is dramatic. Most widely reported is the threat this poses to coral reefs - as the water becomes more acidic, the polyps aren't able to create the calcium carbonate skeletons which form the reefs.

The consequences travel up the food chain - watch the video to find out more.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Cop-out in Copenhagen: leadership breakdown results in failure

Posted by jamie — 19 December 2009 at 12:37am - Comments

Merkel adn Sarkozy at COP15It's a gut-busting, heart-breaking cop-out and I'm so very, very angry although sadly not very surprised. The exhaustion we're all feeling in the Greenpeace team here in Copenhagen only adds to the appalling sense of frustration - our leaders swanned in and let us all down. The deal isn't fair or ambitious and it certainly isn't legally binding. Even though the agreement, such as it is, has yet to be sealed, they have failed.

I hoped it would be different but the skewed nature of international diplomacy has led the Copenhagen summit through two turbulent weeks into an exercise in arm-twisting and back-room deals. The bullying tactics of the developed countries have ensured they have got what they want, despite the attempts of some developing countries to stand their ground.

Europe falls behind Japan and Norway on emission reduction commitments

Last edited 21 October 2009 at 5:34pm
21 October, 2009

European environment ministers, including Ed Miliband, today agreed Europe's position going into December's global climate summit in Copenhagen when they met in Brussels.

By failing to bring commitments on emission cuts in line with scientific requirements, Europe has now fallen behind Japan and Norway, and Europe's position is not strong enough to unlock the stalled international climate negotiations.

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