
Illegal experimental GE rice from China: now entering Europe's food chain

Last edited 4 September 2006 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
1 September, 2006


Genetically engineered rice, unapproved for human consumption, has been found in food products in France, Germany and the UK. This is in itself a cause for concern but when the strain of illegal GE rice is an experimental one that contains a toxin with potential allergenicity to the public, then this is truly alarming for a staple food that feeds half the world's population.

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Why the European Commission should reject the UK's plan for Phase 2 of European Emissions Trading Scheme

Last edited 29 June 2006 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
29 June, 2006


The European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is intended to allow the EU member states reduce their CO2 emissions in the most cost effective way and in doing so fulfil their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol. The scheme covers nearly half of Europe's CO2 emissions, and is seen as a key plank of both European and member states policy to tackle climate change.

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NATO HQ blocked by replica nuclear missile

Last edited 8 June 2006 at 8:00am
Greenpeace activists block NATO's Brussels HQ with a full-size replica of a US B61 nuclear bomb

Greenpeace activists block NATO's Brussels HQ with a full-size replica of a US B61 nuclear bomb

Twenty four Greenpeace activists from the UK. Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey were arrested this morning after staging a protest at NATO's Brussels headquarters. Their demand: removal of the 480 US-owned and controlled nuclear weapons from Europe. The action occurred as NATO Defence Ministers prepared for a high-level meeting on the future of NATO.

Greenpeace blocks pulp cargo from destroyed forests

Posted by admin — 7 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Greenpeace activists prevent Finnlines freight ship 'Antares' from loading pulp and paper in the Finnish port of Kemi

A huge cargo of pulp and paper made from wrecked ancient forests has been blocked from leaving Finland today by Greenpeace activists.

Lawless: How Europe's borders remain open to trade in illegal timber

Last edited 19 October 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
19 October, 2005


A staggering 80 percent of the world’s ancient forests have already been destroyed or degraded and much of what remains is under threat from illegal and destructive logging. The Member States of the European Union (EU) play a key role in fuelling the international demand for timber products from these sources.

Download the report:

UK government green lights wrecking rare species

Last edited 23 August 2005 at 8:00am
23 August, 2005

The UK government's freshly watered down timber buying guidelines will give the green light to destroying old-growth Finnish forests, threatening to wipe out a number of internationally recognised rare and threatened species, according to Greenpeace.

Greenpeace activists in Italy greet Finnish Prime Minister with pieces of his national culture

Last edited 16 March 2005 at 9:00am
16 March, 2005

Greenpeace activists in Rome today appealed to the Finnish Prime Minister to save the Sàmi reindeer forests in Northern Finland . The activists unfurled a banner - Stop Trashing Sàmi Reindeer Forests - at the UN headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Wood chips were deposited in front of the building to highlight the fact that the Finnish government is turning the reindeer forests into wood chips for pulp and paper production.

Greenpeace exposes Finland's hypocrisy on human rights

Last edited 15 March 2005 at 9:00am
15 March, 2005

Angeli, Finland. 15 March 2005
Today, as local reindeer herders and Greenpeace activists defended the forest rights of indigenous Sàmi people in Arctic Lapland, the Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs was busy abroad painting a rosy picture of Finland's human rights policy. Campaigners placed demarcation signs in an area of winter reindeer grazing forest important for the Muotkatunturi co-operative in Angeli, northern Lapland.

Greenpeace steps up campaign to protect Sàmi reindeer forests

Last edited 2 March 2005 at 9:00am
2 March, 2005

Greenpeace today (2nd March) announced that it would be stepping up its campaign to protect remaining ancient forests in Finland by establishing a Forest Rescue Station in the last Sàmi reindeer forests of Arctic Lapland. This follows the Finnish government's decision to start new logging operations in important winter grazing pine forests, in defiance of urgent recommendations issued by the UN Human Rights Committee (1).

Rudolph goes hungry as Lapland's forests disappear

Last edited 22 December 2004 at 9:00am
22 December, 2004

The destruction of Finnish forests could mean Santa won't be able to make his round-the-world trip this Christmas. Rudolph and his reindeer friends usually fly Mr Claus and his sleigh of presents across the globe for the annual chimney-squeezing bonanza - but Lapland's most famous animals are increasingly threatened.