
Behind the lens in the Himalayas and other stories

Posted by bex — 5 June 2007 at 12:41pm - Comments

We regularly put photos of Greenpeace events here in the UK on Flickr, but sometimes we neglect to share pics from our 30 other offices around the world. And, what with the G8 coming up, there's been quite a lot going on in Greenpeace world over the past few days. Here's a selection of our favourite pics:


Cranes, canoes and rainwater collectors

Posted by bex — 31 May 2007 at 3:15pm - Comments

Volunteers at the top of a crane in Olkiluoto

The things you learn when working for Greenpeace. Today, I found out how to collect several litres of rainwater using a banner, two hard hats, a hollow cross-member of a crane and a CamelBak water bag - while 80 metres up in the air, hanging onto a crane.

Greenpeace attempt to halt nuclear reactor construction

Last edited 4 April 2007 at 2:17pm
4 April, 2007

Greenpeace activists protest at the building site of a new reactor plant in Finland

Greenpeace campaigners breached security at the construction site of a nuclear reactor in Finland this morning.

The 10 activists entered the site at Olkiluoto at 8.30am and are demanding that the Finnish nuclear safety inspectorate release details of the 700 safety violations that have been identified during construction.

Greenpeace activists shut down Finnish mills fuelling destruction of Europe's last ancient forests

Last edited 22 March 2007 at 1:17pm
22 March, 2007

Greenpeace activists from across Europe launched a dawn protest this morning at the Botnia pulp mill and the Stora Enso paper mill in the northern Finnish town of Kemi. Unfurling a banner reading "Stop ancient Forest Destruction", forty protestors blocked the main entrances to both mills, preventing deliveries of timber taken from Europe's last ancient forests in northern Lapland.

Russian forestry agency launches investigation into illegal logging

Posted by jamie — 13 March 2007 at 7:04pm - Comments

Activists being removed from their blockade of the Stora Enso headquarters in Helsinki Amidst all the current hoo-hah about Trident, we have some good news from Russia or, at least, the potential for good news.

Back in September, our Partners in Crime report revealed how Finland is importing vast quantities of timber logged illegally in neighbouring Russia. According to federal law, all forestry management plans must undergo an Environmental Impact Assessment - in the republic of Karelia these assessments are not being done yet the local government continues to hand out logging permits.

However, this week the Head of the Federal Forestry Agency in Russia has ordered an immediate investigation into the problem, appointing a commission to report back next month. This is a huge step forward and acknowledges the scale of the problem - of all the timber felled in Karelia, the majority is illegal.

Santa's Lapland forests trashed by logging

Last edited 20 December 2006 at 9:00am
20 December, 2006

Reindeer rely on Lapland's forests to provide food in the bleak winter months

Finland joins the Golden Chainsaw hall of infamy

Posted by jamie — 25 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments


Finland joins the Golden Chainsaw hall of infamy

The Golden Chainsaws are becoming something of a Greenpeace tradition. They're not annual, they're not voted for by a secret cabal of society members, but when it comes to wanton destruction of forest landscapes, they ensure the efforts of those responsible do not go unremarked.

Partners in Crime: Finland's illegal timber trade with Russia

Last edited 19 September 2006 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
19 September, 2006


Whilst the Finnish government tries to assure the world that it upholds principles of sustainable forest management and forest protection, it continues to launder illegally and unsustainably logged Russian timber through its border into the European market and beyond.

Between June and August 2006, Greenpeace documented widespread illegal logging in the Russian Karelian Republic and the subsequent transport of illegally logged timber into Finalnd.

Download the report:

Greenpeace investigation exposes Finland's illegal timber trade with Russia

Last edited 19 September 2006 at 8:00am
19 September, 2006

London - 19 September 2006: A Greenpeace International report released today reveals how illegally logged timber from Russia is being freely imported into Finland to factories including those of Stora Enso, which is partly owned by the Finnish State.

In its report, Partners in Crime: A Greenpeace Investigation into Finland's Illegal Timber Trade with Russia, Greenpeace has documented wide-spread illegal logging in the Russian Republic of Karelia.(1)

Greenpeace blocks pulp cargo from destroyed forests

Posted by admin — 7 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Greenpeace activists prevent Finnlines freight ship 'Antares' from loading pulp and paper in the Finnish port of Kemi

A huge cargo of pulp and paper made from wrecked ancient forests has been blocked from leaving Finland today by Greenpeace activists.

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