Blog: Forests

Greenpeace secures temporary moratorium in Finland

Posted by admin — 25 April 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

The Forest Rescue Station departs from Inari , Lapland

In May Greenpeace closed our Forest Rescue Station (FRS) located at Inari, Lapland, having achieved our objective of temporarily ending logging on valuable forest lands and in anticipation of talks on the future of the forests that were scheduled for June.

National Lottery Project

Posted by admin — 22 April 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Letting Glasgow know what's going on inside Kelvingrove Art Gallery

Our campaign to stop National Lottery funded projects using endangered rainforest timber took another step forward on 21st March when the Heritage Lottery fund agreed to source all timber from legal and well-managed sources for projects they fund.

National Lottery Project

Posted by admin — 22 April 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Letting Glasgow know what's going on inside Kelvingrove Art Gallery

Our campaign to stop National Lottery funded projects using endangered rainforest timber took another step forward on 21st March when the Heritage Lottery fund agreed to source all timber from legal and well-managed sources for projects they fund.

Garden Furniture Guide 2005

Posted by admin — 24 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Following the success of our garden furniture work in 2004, we undertook new research in Spring 2005. This revealed that in their quest to supply garden furniture Wyevale, Britain's largest garden centre chain, were trashing endangered rainforests and helping to fund one of the most brutal military dictatorships in the world.

Garden Furniture Guide 2005

Posted by admin — 24 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Following the success of our garden furniture work in 2004, we undertook new research in Spring 2005. This revealed that in their quest to supply garden furniture Wyevale, Britain's largest garden centre chain, were trashing endangered rainforests and helping to fund one of the most brutal military dictatorships in the world.

Authors visit threatened Finnish ancient forests

Posted by admin — 2 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

10 young Sàmi people and Greenpeace volunteers use charcoal on a frozen river to say 'enough' to the Finnish Government

A group of Europen writers have arrived at our Forest Rescue Station, situated 300 kilometres norh of the Arctic Circle in northern Finland, to see for themselves the effect of relentless logging on the last Sàmi reindeer forests. The Sàmi are indigenous reindeer herders who rely on Lapland's remaining old-growth forests to provide vital food for their herds during the cold winter months. The reindeer forests have been reduced piece by piece by the government's own logging company, Metsähallitus, which carries out most of the logging in Lapland.

Next Harry Potter to save ancient forests

Posted by admin — 23 February 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Hedwig delivers an 'owler' to Harry Potter's publishing company, Bloomsbury

JK Rowling's UK publisher Bloomsbury has just confirmed to Greenpeace that 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' will be printed on a part ancient forest friendly paper. This will be the first best selling book to be printed on such a paper in the UK.

Next Harry Potter to save ancient forests

Posted by admin — 23 February 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Hedwig delivers an 'owler' to Harry Potter's publishing company, Bloomsbury

JK Rowling's UK publisher Bloomsbury has just confirmed to Greenpeace that 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' will be printed on a part ancient forest friendly paper. This will be the first best selling book to be printed on such a paper in the UK.

Hedwig the owl asks for help in saving muggle ancient forests

Posted by admin — 22 February 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Hedwig the owl visited JK Rowling's UK publisher Bloomsbury today on behalf of the Greenpeace Book Campaign. He asked them to print Harry's latest adventure, 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince', which is due out this summer, on ancient forest friendly paper.

By taking such a step Bloomsbury would be helping to protect some of the world's last ancient forests and the muggle creatures that depend on them.

Hedwig the owl asks for help in saving muggle ancient forests

Posted by admin — 22 February 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Hedwig the owl visited JK Rowling's UK publisher Bloomsbury today on behalf of the Greenpeace Book Campaign. He asked them to print Harry's latest adventure, 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince', which is due out this summer, on ancient forest friendly paper.

By taking such a step Bloomsbury would be helping to protect some of the world's last ancient forests and the muggle creatures that depend on them.

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