Greenpeace Blog

Government concedes current regulations not sufficient to match Habitats Directive

Posted by admin — 11 October 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

St. Kilda - under threat from oil exploration

Government's argument 'an abuse of the legal process'

Posted by admin — 11 October 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

St. Kilda - under threat from oil exploration

UK Government offers no evidence to contest geographical scope of Habitats Directive

Posted by admin — 11 October 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

Help stop dangerous climate change

Greenpeace dives St Kilda

Posted by admin — 5 October 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

St. Kilda - under threat from oil exploration

St Kilda is in the same league as the Great Barrier Reef by being designated a Natural World Heritage Site. It is recognised as being globally important for seabird populations. But little is known about what lives there under the sea. Greenpeace divers conducted the first ever underwater survey of the northern edges of the islands that are most at risk from Government licensed oil exploration.

The Atlantic Frontier Highcourt Evidence

Posted by admin — 28 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

Atlantic Frontier threatened by oil exploration

In a High Court hearing in London, beginning on the 11th October, Greenpeace is challenging the UK Government's failure to conserve whales, dolphins and coral reefs under the EC Habitats Directive. If Greenpeace is successful all future oil licensing in the Atlantic Frontier will be illegal until the Directive is applied.

New oil exploration sites in the Atlantic Frontier

Posted by bex — 18 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

New oil exploration sites in the Atlantic FrontierSt. Kilda's precipitous cliffs, crystal clear water and massive seabird colonies have continued to attract generations of divers, sailors and nature-lovers to its shores. It ranks alongside the Taj Mahal, the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef as a World Heritage Site.

The islands once again find themselves on the edge of a change at least as big as that of the loss of its people. The industrial world is finally encroaching on the wild seas around St Kilda - oil companies are being offered thousands of square miles of the sea-bed of Britain's Atlantic Frontier including areas only 25 miles from St Kilda. In July 1999 the UK Government gave the green light for an oil rig to start drilling west of the Outer Hebrides, just 75 miles from St Kilda.

The IUCN, nature conservation advisors to the UN, have concluded that St Kilda is at high risk from oil developments.

Greenpeace urges ban on plutonium cargo vessels

Posted by bex — 13 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments
Nuclear waste transportation flask

Ten deadly nuclear cargoes of weapons-usable plutonium fuel are to travel from Europe to Japan each year via South Africa, according to a Reuters's story published today. In light of this information, Greenpeace urged all potential en route nations concerned by the risks associated with these shipments to redouble their efforts in opposing this and futue transports being conducted by European and Japanese nuclear industry.

The latest information comes as two ships laden with some 450 kg of weapons-usable plutonium, contained in 40 plutonium fuel elements (MOX), rounded the Cape of Good Hope bound for Japan early Friday morning (13th August). The ships are now believed to be in the South West Pacific Ocean heading for Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

Wave goodbye to fossils

Posted by bex — 10 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments
Wind power in action

Renewable energy has the potential to create thousands of jobs and generate power without imperilling the climate.

The UK government must set a series of progressive renewable energy targets, leading to a fossil fuel phase out in the next 30 to 40 years and open up the huge UK offshore wind resource. At the very least this means announcing a licensing round for offshore wind. To assure industry that investment in UK offshore wind is worthwhile, the Government must ensure these rounds are substantial and regular.

Puffin around Westminster

Posted by bex — 2 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace puffins - SOS St. KildaThere is a long tradition on St Kilda of people being given a say on issues that concerned them. That tradition has now been revived, with everyone having the chance to vote on the future of St Kilda.

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