active supporters

Volunteer with Greenpeace

Last edited 30 January 2007 at 4:14pm
Publication date: 
5 April, 2007

If you are interested in volunteering in our office, please download, print out and complete the volunteer application form and either fax (020 7865 8204), email or post your application form to:


Human Resources Department
Canonbury Villas
London N1 2PN

Download the report:

You can't sink a rainbow

Last edited 12 July 2005 at 8:00am
Rainbow Warrior 20th anniversary commemoration in Paris

Rainbow Warrior 20th anniversary commemoration in Paris

On 10th July 500 Greenpeace volunteers gatherered in the Esplanade Tracodéro to create a human peace sign in commemoration of the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior 20 years earlier.

GM milk action - a cow's eye view

Last edited 4 June 2004 at 8:00am
Activists prepare to take on Sainsbury's

Activists prepare to take on Sainsbury's

Greenpeace volunteers have been out at Sainsbury's stores across the country every weekend to tell the supermarket giant we don't want GM in our milk.

Thanks to Ermintrude of Reading for her diary extract

07:30 The herd gathered early for briefings, breakfast and mooing practice. We mingled happily with white-capped milkmen and milk ladies who were to be commooonicators for the day - those tasked with talking to people and getting the Greenpeace petition signed. Our extra large sisters (aka "the double cows") learned how to work with their herdsman and tried out a few dance steps.

On the inside: an activist reports from the shop floor

Last edited 29 April 2004 at 8:00am
Richard locks on to the dairy aisle in Romford Sainsbury's

Richard locks on to the dairy aisle in Romford Sainsbury's

Sizewell B - terrorism and risks

Last edited 13 February 2004 at 9:00am

Sizewell 2003: Volunteer climbers paint 'DANGER' down the reactor dome

Sizewell: Volunteer climbers paint 'DANGER' down the reactor dome

Turn your energy into action!

Last edited 21 October 2003 at 8:00am
Milk maidens at Sainsbury's

Milk maidens at Sainsbury's