
Video: when I grow up

Posted by bex — 25 February 2008 at 3:12pm - Comments

A brilliant reminder from enoughsenough of just what's at stake when it comes to airport expansion:

Pictures from Heathrow

Posted by bex — 25 February 2008 at 2:48pm - Comments

A few pictures from today's plane-top protest at Heathrow:

Placing the banner

Hanging the banner on the tailfin
© Greenpeace

Virgin's biofuel flight is all spin and greenwash

Posted by jamie — 25 February 2008 at 2:28pm - Comments

With all the excitement happening today at Terminal One, it's worth remembering that yesterday was another eventful one in Heathrow's calendar as a Virgin Atlantic plane steered away from its usual transatlantic route to fly between Heathrow and Amsterdam. No, the guidance systems weren't malfunctioning: it was a test flight to demonstrate that biofuels can be used in aircraft. But what's that dripping from the undercarriage? Could it be a tonne of greenwash?

Virgin announced its plans to test biofuels some time ago but has been reluctant to say exactly what kind of biofuel they would be using. To quell concerns about the impact on the cost of food, a press release assured us that it wouldn't "compete with food and fresh water resources". The rumour was that it would be made from algae, but in the end it turned out to be a mixture of coconut and babassu oil. These aren't food crops as such, but if the aviation industry leaps on them as an apparently easy way to reduce emissions, that's going to have a huge environmental impact.

Climate campaigners bring peaceful protest to Heathrow

Posted by bex — 25 February 2008 at 11:41am - Comments

Greenpeace campaigners unfurl a banner on the tailfin

Climate emergency - no third runway

As the banner on top of this London - Manchester flight says, we're in the middle of a climate emergency. The fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK is just about to get another boost from Brown's government. On Wednesday, the consultation on whether to nearly double the size of Heathrow by building a new runway will close, and the government looks set to cave in to the aviation industry.

This morning, four of our volunteers have climbed on top of a plane at Heathrow and are wrapping a banner around the tailfin. The plane - one of 32 flights every day between London and Manchester - had just arrived in Heathrow and the passengers had disembarked when four volunteers walked through the double doors at Heathrow Terminal One, crossing an area of tarmac and climbing onto the fuselage of the British Airways flight.

Stop Heathrow expansion: dates for your diary

Posted by bex — 22 February 2008 at 4:02pm - Comments

Arrivals - noise, pollution, climate change

A third runway at Heathrow will mean the imminent arrival of more noise, pollution and climate change

The end of the Heathrow stitch up consultation is nigh, so here's another quick reminder that, on Monday, MPs, activists, authors, and, well, all sorts of people opposing Heathrow expansion are holding a mass rally and filling Central Hall in Westminster.

Ken keeps up the pressure against Heathrow expansion

Posted by jossc — 18 February 2008 at 1:27pm - Comments

With just over a week to go until the consultation process ends, London mayor Ken Livingstone is keeping up the pressure on the government to abandon plans to build a third runway at Heathrow airport. During a visit to Sipson, one of three villages threatened by the bulldozers if the plans go ahead, Ken said: "It is vital that all airport expansion in London and the South East, including Heathrow, is halted now as it is completely contrary to the growing evidence on the role of aviation in contributing towards catastrophic climate change.

Government's economic case for third runway at Heathrow is "flawed and misleading"

Posted by jossc — 14 February 2008 at 1:34pm - Comments

A new report published today undermines the economic case for building a third runway at Heathrow Airport. It shows that the Department for Transport (DfT) based part of its case for expansion on an Oxford Economic Forecasting (OEF) study commissioned by BAA, the company who own and manage Heathrow.

BA airliner landing at Heathrow Unsurprisingly, the BAA funded study over- estimates the benefits of a third runway, assuming it would generate an extra 3 million business passengers contributing £400 each to the UK economy (making it worth £5billion over 70 years) - the DfT's original estimate was for half a million new business passengers spending around £120 each.

Heathrow consultation - have your say

Posted by jossc — 6 February 2008 at 12:31pm - Comments

There's still time to let the government know how you feel about BAA's plans to build a third runway at Heathrow Airport, but the consultation process end on the 27th February so time is running out. If you live in London you can make your voice heard at the public meetings listed below.

Clean grafitti hits London streets

Posted by jossc — 4 February 2008 at 4:07pm - Comments

Stop Heathrow: clean graffitti on Defra's doorstep

Anti-Heathrow expansion activists were out and about at the weekend keeping up the pressure on the government to think again about plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport. This time they took to the streets - literally - to get the message across, using a new method called 'clean grafitti'.

Taking a cue from the "wash me" messages scrawled on the back of delivery trucks, clean (or reverse) graffiti uses high-pressure steam to imprint images on dirty walls and pavements.

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