
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Don’t want your home fracked? Just say no!

Posted by LiamBB — 14 October 2013 at 8:33am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Andrew Pemberton of Lytham, Lancashire is not for shale

Years from now, today may be remembered as the day that the UK stood up and declared, "We are not for shale!"

I’ve spent a lot of time in and around actions here at Greenpeace and elsewhere, but rarely have I felt as excited as I do right now about the potential for a major victory, with the launch of and the Not For Shale legal block.

Breaking: Activists ‘frack’ Lancashire County Hall

Posted by LiamBB — 4 September 2013 at 8:57am - Comments

Arriving to work this morning, staff at Lancashire County Council will find a fracking rig drilling outside County Hall in Preston. It's a fake fracking outfit - the same Frack & Go that struck in George Osborne's constituency ealier this year - but it gives a small taste of what being next door to a drilling operation is like.

It's particularly timely as the council planning committee will be deciding soon on a new application from Cuadrilla, the same company that has attracted huge protests in Sussex.

Cuadrilla withdraws Balcombe application – Greenpeace responds

Last edited 3 September 2013 at 3:21pm
3 September, 2013

Cuadrilla has withdrawn its application to extend the time in which it can drill for oil in Balcombe. It has instead decided to “reassess our programme and, in turn, the terms of our current planning application.”

Commenting on the news, Greenpeace energy campaigner Leila Deen said:

Not for shale! Anti-fracking group hits the streets of Lancashire

Posted by kcumming — 27 August 2013 at 12:49pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: (c) greenpeace

Are you in the market for a nice two bedroom house in the North West? In a previously quiet residential area, close to minor earth tremors, with the potential for high volume traffic and drilling right under your property? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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