
Fracking: 'If you can't get in the front door, just go around to the back'

Posted by kcumming — 19 December 2013 at 1:27pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan/ Greenpeace

Yesterday, late afternoon, the government quietly announced it is changing planning rules to allow companies to frack under people’s homes without telling them.

JR Ewing 'if you can't get in the front door, just go around to the back'

Last edited 19 December 2013 at 12:18pm
19 December, 2013

Government changes to planning laws so companies can frack under people’s homes without telling them doesn’t change the fact this is unlawful if the landowner later says no, says Greenpeace. 

 Planning minister Nick Boles announced yesterday that fracking firms will be able to drill for gas and oil under peoples’ homes without notifying the owner personally, because telling them would be too burdensome.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace on Govt plans to open two thirds of England up to fracking

Last edited 17 December 2013 at 2:59pm
17 December, 2013

Responding to DECC's proposals for the new shale gas licensing round, Greenpeace Energy Campaigner Anna Jones said:

Greenpeace launch of "live" fracking report

Posted by kcumming — 16 December 2013 at 6:58pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: les stone/ greenpeace
Fracking for natural gas in Pennsylvania

Fracking - three years ago most people hadn't even heard of it. Today it's in our papers, our politics and potentially our backyards. The pro-frackers accuse the anti-frackers of misinformation and vice versa. Figures about well numbers, truck movements, jobs and revenue tend to vary wildly. No one has yet gone back and done an assessment of all the evidence. Until now.

Tomorrow's fracking announcement - what to watch out for

Last edited 16 December 2013 at 3:50pm
16 December, 2013

As part of its preparations for a new round of shale gas licenses, DECC will tomorrow publish a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for Further Onshore Oil & Gas Licencing. It has been produced by Engineering firm AMEC.


THE SHEER SCALE OF THE PROPOSALS: The Department’s most recent map of the 14th Onshore Licencing Round covers over two –thirds of England.

UK energy - where are we at?

Posted by kcumming — 6 December 2013 at 2:16pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: (c) Shutterstock

What a month for the Big 6! Whether cuts to energy efficiency measures, a green light for unabated coal burning, fracking tax breaks that lock in the UK’s reliance on gas, or the multi-billion pound windfall due to companies like EDF and Centrica from an unchanged carbon floor price, the energy giants have won another round at the expense of ordinary people.

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