Gordon Brown

'Green opportunity' knocks for Brown - and is missed

Posted by jossc — 12 January 2009 at 1:42pm - Comments

Energy efficient housing - 56 Tomlins Gove in London

Making our homes energy efficient is a key step towards decarbonising the economy

With our economy reeling under the worst economic conditions for over a decade, Gordon Brown held a much trumpeted 'jobs summit' today to outline his plans to keep the country at work. Facing the dangerous combination of a credit-fuelled financial crisis, concerns over energy security and prices and accelerating climate change, he has missed an historic opportunity to boost the economy and take an important step towards decarbonising it at the same time.

Got two minutes? Call Gordon about the EU climate deal

Posted by jamie — 10 December 2008 at 1:38pm - Comments

I've just received an email about this action being spearheaded by the UK Youth Delegation at Poznan. Pick up the phone and make the call!

Right now, Gordon Brown is preparing to meet with other European heads of state to sign a crucial climate change deal. This deal is the first of its kind - and the rest of the world will use this as their example. If it’s not ambitious enough (and all signs point that way) this deal will jeopardise our future.

We have a small window of opportunity to change this. In the next 24 hours let’s get as many of us as possible to call Gordon Brown and ask him for the strong climate deal that we deserve!

1. Call this number - 0207 930 4433 (No.10 switchboard)
2. Say who you are, where you’re from and ask to leave a message for Gordon Brown
3. The operator will tell you that you can’t leave a message and should send a letter instead. Tell him/her that this is urgent, and you want to see Gordon push for a strong climate deal on Thursday
4. Call three friends and get them to call Gordon too
5. Forward this video on to everyone you know
6. Feel warm and fuzzy that you’ve exercised your democratic right!

Heathrow: Brown under pressure from his own backbenches

Posted by jossc — 4 November 2008 at 12:47pm - Comments

"Yes Mr Brown, we're afraid it really is that serious..."

"Yes Mr Brown, we're afraid it really is that serious..."

Much as Gordon Brown would like to pretend otherwise, getting the go-ahead for Heathrow's third runway is still far from a done deal. With the Tories and Lib Dems having already rejected the proposal, the PM is now facing a growing rebellion from within his own party. Labour MPs, privately egged-on by cabinet ministers, have tabled a motion opposing Heathrow expansion in a last ditch attempt to persuade Mr Brown to change his mind - reminding him that not only will the third runway make it almost impossible for the government to hit its climate change targets, but that it is deeply unpopular with voters.

45 Labour MPs have already signed up to an Early Day Motion expressing their opposition. If this figure continues to rise, as it easily could with two weeks still to go before the motion closes, then the PM will find it increasingly difficult to defy opinion within his own party.

Brown urged to cancel new coal power plants

Posted by jossc — 22 July 2008 at 3:31pm - Comments

Stop Climate Chaos say no to new coal

Stop Climate Chaos activists were at Kingsnorth in Kent this morning to urge the Prime Minister to abandon plans for a new generation of coal-fired power plants. They planted flags outside the existing power station as a symbol of opposition to Kingsnorth 2, a new development which, if it gets the go-ahead, will be the first new coal plant to be built in the UK for 30 years.

Developer E.ON UK plans to demolish the existing plant and replace it with a new coal-fired unit that is 20 per cent cleaner. But coal is the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive fuel known to mankind, and despite the industry's efforts to talk up 'clean coal' technologies like carbon capture and storage (CCS), such developments are in their infancy and would not be available for at least a decade, even if they can be made to work.

Gordon goes all Google Earth over climate change

Posted by jamie — 20 May 2008 at 5:28pm - Comments

The government's Google Earth climate change layer

Gordon Brown has revealed his latest wheeze to try and convince us that underneath that gruff capitalist exterior there beats a heart of purest green. Together with the Met Office, the government has released a Google Earth layer showing the effects of climate change (download Google Earth, then get the layer).

New nukes? Yes, Prime Minister

Posted by bex — 8 January 2008 at 6:21pm - Comments

See all updates about nuclear power.

Breaking news: Ministers have unanimously backed the principle of Brown's plans for new nuclear power without a vote at today's cabinet meeting.

According to the BBC, Brown's cabinet has "agreed in principle to approve a new generation of nuclear power stations". Reuters meanwhile quotes Brown's spokeswoman as saying there was a "very good discussion with many interventions from members of the cabinet".

Nice for some.

We're expecting the formal announcement to be made on Thursday.

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