Gordon Brown

Energy price hikes? Brace yourself for more if Brown goes nuclear

Posted by bex — 7 January 2008 at 6:15pm - Comments

See all updates about nuclear power.

Now here's a surprise: the government was being 'economic' with the truth when it promised that we, the taxpayers, wouldn't have to foot the extortionate bill for new nuclear power.

It turns out that we, the consumers, will be picking up our fair share.

Yep, the day after the papers reported a 15 per cent energy price hike, we're being told to brace ourselves for more hikes if the government succeeds in dragging us down the nuclear road.

Letter to the prime minister: your leadership is needed

Posted by bex — 19 December 2007 at 1:05pm - Comments

A couple of days ago, I wrote that leading climate scientist and director of Nasa's Goddard Institute James Hansen was planning to write to Gordon Brown, urging him to stop the new coal rush in the UK.

Here's the full text of that letter. It's powerful stuff, and piles the pressure onto Gordon Brown ahead of next month's decision by Medway Council, on whether to allow the first new coal plant in 30 years to be built at Kingsnorth.

No new coal (it's not rocket science, Gordon)

Posted by bex — 17 December 2007 at 4:02pm - Comments

No new coal

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that building a load of new coal power plants probably isn't the brightest idea for the future of our planet, but it's nice when a rocket scientist comes out and says it.

The director of Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Dr. James Hansen, has joined the debate on the UK's the new coal rush, and is writing to Gordon Brown to urge him to block plans to build up to eight new coal-fired power stations.

Brownwash redux

Posted by jamie — 28 November 2007 at 6:51pm - Comments

There's a video megamix of Gordon Brown's speech from last week doing the rounds on YouTube, cut to highlight just how wishy-washy his words were:

Has Brown painted himself green? The jury's still out

Posted by jamie — 19 November 2007 at 6:06pm - Comments

The speech Gordon Brown made to the Foreign Press Association earlier today was billed as his first major proclamation on climate change and the environment since ascending to Number 10, but did it deliver? There was much reaffirming of previous statements and existing policies, but aside from a couple of big points there was nothing really new.

Brown's plans to scupper Europe's climate deal

Posted by bex — 23 October 2007 at 11:55am - Comments

Gordon Brown
Update: our executive director John Sauven has written on why Gordon Brown's reluctance to embrace the economic and environmental potential of renewable energy technology is costing us time, money and could eventually cost us the climate here.


British prime ministers have a longstanding tradition of taking on the less savoury characteristics of their US counterparts pretty soon after coming to office. For Blair, it was a propensity towards using weapons of mass destruction. For Brown, it's trying to scupper vital climate change deals.

On the same day that scientists have shown that carbon emissions are accumulating far more quickly than predicted, leaked documents reveal that Labour wants to work with the nuclear-obsessed French and the climate-sceptic Polish presidents to undermine a vital European deal on renewable energy. The deal - to generate 20 per cent of energy from renewables by 2020 - was only finalised by European leaders including Tony Blair earlier this year.

Over and out from Kingsnorth

Posted by bex — 10 October 2007 at 6:06pm - Comments

Over and out

See all Kingsnorth updates.

Phew, what a couple of days - there are lots of exhausted (not to mention dust covered) faces in the office today.

On Monday morning, we took over Kingsnorth coal fired power plant to say no to a new coal rush in the UK, and yes to a sane, clean energy future. That evening, E.ON served an injunction and the people locked onto the conveyor belt were arrested and taken into custody. Meanwhile, the climbers on the chimney began painting a message to Gordon, going strong until the light failed them.

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