
February 2009 - the month in pictures

Posted by jossc — 3 March 2009 at 3:54pm - Comments

Lantern with iamge of Toru Suzuki at Japanese Embassy vigil, Washington DC, Feb 17 2009

Lanterns carrying the image of Toru Suzuki at Japanese Embassy vigil in support of the Tokyo Two, Washington DC, Feb 17 2009

My very wonderful Greenpeace International colleague Elaine has just published the February edition of the month in pictures series, highlighting a range of Greenpeace actions around the world. February's top shots range from locations in Mexico, Nigeria and Russia and cover campaign issues including e-waste, the upcoming trial of the Tokyo Two, forest fires and, of course, climate change - all in a handy slideshow format.

For more images and slideshows from our campaigns around the world, check out the photos, audio and videos section of our international website.

From forests to ashes: fires in Indonesia

Posted by jamie — 24 February 2009 at 10:57am - Comments

Some rather grim images were sent out from our picture desk yesterday. Taken on Sunday by Ardiles Rante, they show the devastation caused by fire in the peatland forests outside Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau province in Sumatra. So that's another few thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide sent up into the atmosphere, and seeing photos like these make me realise our ongoing campaign to protect these forests from the ever-expanding palm oil industry is even more essential.

Fire burns through peatland forest in Sumatra, Indonesia

Opening up the Greenpeace photo library

Posted by jamie — 1 October 2008 at 12:19pm - Comments

I've mentioned before about how I love wandering through the Greenpeace photo library (it's on a big server, so any wandering is purely figurative) - there's always just one more enticing folder to explore. And it's hardly surprising, when our campaign work takes photographers to some stunning locations and places them at the heart of the action. Some have even won major international awards for their work, both with Greenpeace and independently.

Fire and ice: images from the Amazon and the antarctic

Posted by jamie — 3 March 2008 at 1:44pm - Comments

One of the pleasures of working at Greenpeace is having access to a truly incredible photo library and there's been more than one occasion when, looking for images to accompany a blog story, I've become lost in the wealth of powerful and affecting images.

The photographers who supply us with these photos are rewarded for their work with the occasional trophy and Daniel Beltra, who has accompanied Greenpeace campaigners on expeditions all over the world, was last week presented with the Global Vision Award for photos he took in the Amazon as part of Pictures of the Year International. He also received an Award of Excellence in the Science/Nature category for a collection from the Antarctic, taken during last year's Southern Ocean expedition on the Esperanza.

Pictures from Heathrow

Posted by bex — 25 February 2008 at 2:48pm - Comments

A few pictures from today's plane-top protest at Heathrow:

Placing the banner

Hanging the banner on the tailfin
© Greenpeace

Ice stories, in glorious colour

Posted by bex — 20 February 2008 at 7:04pm - Comments

Greenland glacier by Nick Cobbing

An iceberg made of hard, dense ice reflects late evening light
© Greenpeace/Cobbing

Oooh, this is gorgeous. I know some of Nick Cobbing's photographs pretty well (he's done a fair bit of work for Greenpeace in the past) but, on the advice of our picture editor, I went to have a nose around his website where he's organised some of his photos into stories.

August in pictures

Posted by jossc — 31 August 2007 at 12:15pm - Comments

08 August - India. Water is sprinkled on activists chained and arm locked to blockade the gates of the Surya Light bulb manufacturing unit in Kashipur. The Surya factory produces energy wasting incandescent bulbs.

This may still be the 'silly season' as far as our national press are concerned, but that hasn't prevented a lot of good work being achieved by Greenpeace campaigners around the globe.

Blockading incandescent light bulb manufacturing plants in India; halting a coal shipment to Canada's largest power station; protesting against the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Brazil; lobbying the Thai government to prevent them lifting a ban on GM crop field trials - these are just some of the practical steps we've been taking to help bring about the cleaner, greener world we all want to see.

The month in pictures

Posted by jamie — 5 July 2007 at 5:00pm - Comments

Greenpeace projects the words 'Coal causes climate change' onto the side of a coal transport ship in Australia

Over at our international office in Amsterdam, the web team have just published the June edition of their monthly round-up of images from the Greenpeace world. Being signed up to far too many internal email groups, I get to hear about what other offices are up to, but there's nothing quite like a striking image to make events in Bali or Belgium come alive.

Glastonbury in pictures

Posted by bex — 26 June 2007 at 3:44pm - Comments

The tents are down, the wellies are drying out and the mayhem is over. Here are a few of our favourite pics from Glastonbury 2007 (you can see lots more on Flickr):


Toilet trip Pink wellies

Your climate change videos

Posted by jossc — 20 June 2007 at 3:25pm - Comments

A big thanks once again to all of you who took part in our Glastonbury competition. Here are some of the best entries in the video section - it's a shame there could only be one winner in each category.

My birthday in the park (living with climate change...)

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