Nuclear Power

The MV Arneb and nuclear shipments

Posted by bex — 19 November 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
MV Arneb

MV Arneb

Greenpeace is appalled that the British government thinks that the true facts about the nuclear industry should be kept secret from the general public. We are opposed to the nuclear industry and believe that the issues surrounding the industry should be openly and actively discussed so that the general public can make their own, informed, decisions. Millions of pounds of government subsidy continue to prop up this industry, and it is only right that taxpayers have a right to know the facts.

Greenpeace challenge the Sellafield MOX plant

Posted by bex — 9 November 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
Sellafield nuclear plant

Sellafield nuclear plant

After a total of five separate public consultation exercises, beginning in February 1997, the Government has finally approved the start of operations at the Sellafield MOX Plant. The plant will manufacture fuel (made from mixed oxides of plutonium and uranium - hence MOX) for nuclear power stations using material recovered from old, exhausted (or 'spent') fuel rods. The MOX fuel will initially be manufactured for the export market and will be dispatched on armed ships or perhaps even by plane direct from Sellafield in Cumbria.

New nuclear power stations on Government agenda?

Posted by bex — 17 September 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
The UK press has been full of speculation for over a year that the Government is ready to launch a new nuclear power programme. Over the first few months of 2005 many articles speculated that as soon as the General Election was out of the way in May, the Government would support the construction of new nuclear power stations.

Who cares? The Welsh Assembly Statement of Opinion

Posted by bex — 12 February 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
Wylfa nuclear powerTwo Assembly Members -- Mick Bates and John Griffiths -- have tabled the following Statement of Opinion asking for the release of information on the safety problems at Wylfa, and the safety implications of reopening the station.

The National Assembly notes the recent Concordat between the Health and Safety Executive and the National Assembly for Wales recognising that the Assembly has an interest in issues of nuclear safety because of the impact a nuclear accident could have on the environment.

BNFL incompetent and unsafe - it's official

Posted by bex — 17 February 2000 at 9:00am - Comments
Before the Government decided it needed to set up a Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, three reports into safety operations by BNFL at Sellafield nuclear plant were published today by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate in February 2000.

They cover:

Greenpeace urges ban on plutonium cargo vessels

Posted by bex — 13 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments
Nuclear waste transportation flask

Ten deadly nuclear cargoes of weapons-usable plutonium fuel are to travel from Europe to Japan each year via South Africa, according to a Reuters's story published today. In light of this information, Greenpeace urged all potential en route nations concerned by the risks associated with these shipments to redouble their efforts in opposing this and futue transports being conducted by European and Japanese nuclear industry.

The latest information comes as two ships laden with some 450 kg of weapons-usable plutonium, contained in 40 plutonium fuel elements (MOX), rounded the Cape of Good Hope bound for Japan early Friday morning (13th August). The ships are now believed to be in the South West Pacific Ocean heading for Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

BNFL launches legal blitz against protesters in France and UK

Posted by bex — 16 July 1999 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace - Stop PlutoniumBritish Nuclear Fuels Ltd is attempting to stifle public debate by seeking injunctions today in the United Kingdom and France to prevent Greenpeace protesting against a secret shipment of nuclear weapons-usable plutonium fuel from Europe to Japan, the environment group reported today.Two British freighters, the Pacific Pintail and Pacific Teal, are due to leave the port of Barrow in northern England imminently to underta
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