
Green Campaigners Scale Treasury Ahead of Government Spending Review

Last edited 19 October 2010 at 6:50am
19 October, 2010

Four Greenpeace climbers have scaled the Treasury building in the heart of Westminster this morning as Chancellor George Osborne is finalising his public spending cuts.

The environmental campaigners are asking the Chancellor to stick to his earlier statements backing a green investment bank, which could potentially provide tens of thousands of new jobs.

George's top 10 green promises

Posted by jamess — 19 October 2010 at 6:44am - Comments

A few moments ago, four of our activists scaled the Treasury building where George Osborne works to deliver him a reminder: Green Bank = New Jobs. Right now he’s finalising the package of government cuts and spending that’s going to be released tomorrow, but we don’t want to see the potential for a green economy and new jobs squeezed out by the spending review.

A few moments ago, four of our activists scaled the Treasury building where George Osborne works to deliver him a reminder: Green Bank = New Jobs

Right now he’s finalising the package of government cuts and spending that’s going to be released tomorrow, but we don’t want to see the potential for a green economy and new jobs squeezed out by the spending review.

Like working for International Rescue?

Posted by jossc — 16 November 2009 at 1:22pm - Comments
Toby Osmond

Our latest recruit Toby reflects on life as an intern here at Canonbury Villas...

Hello people! At the mo I'm interning for Greenpeace UK at their head office in London, which is fun. Before this I was volunteering on various projects and in different departments in the office.

The difference between interning and volunteering is that an internship offers more of a set role with in-depth work and projects that you can get your teeth stuck in to, whereas general volunteer work can vary daily - depending on what work needs doing in the office. Interning requires a commitment from both the individual and the organisation to basically help each other achieve their goals, be it the organisation's campaign goals or the individual's desire to gain experience in a certain field.

Volunteering at Greenpeace UK

Last edited 6 October 2015 at 4:47pm

Volunteering with Greenpeace
Emily volunteered with us before joining full-time

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Greenpeace. There are two ways in which you can help us deliver our campaigns; by becoming an active supporter or by volunteering at our office in Islington, London.

We have various different departments here at Greenpeace UK; Marketing, Supporter Services, Outreach Team,  Campaigns, Actions, Policy & Solutions, Media, Web Team, Publications, Finance, Human Resources, Reception and Information Systems - all of which occasionally need help from volunteers.

Voluntary opportunities range from helping with administrative tasks, mail outs, data entry, data analysis, translations, design and editing, research projects, assisting with events coordination, painting, sewing, carpentry, and many more. Length of opportunities can be anything from a few hours to 1 day to a year.

Greenpeace appoints a new leader

Posted by jossc — 11 June 2009 at 10:37am - Comments

Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director, Greenpeace International

Greenpeace will soon have a new leader. Kumi Naidoo will take up the role of Executive Director of Greenpeace International on the first of November 2009, when Gerd Leipold steps down after nine years as our activist-in-chief. Kumi was part of the successful struggle against apartheid in his native South Africa. He is an activist and a Rhodes Scholar. For ten years he was the General Secretary of CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation. Today he sits on the board of Greenpeace Africa and chairs the Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA).

He was one of the founders of Global Call to Action Against Poverty, which has grown since 2005 into a coalition of anti-poverty campaigners from over 100 countries. They apply public pressure on leaders to fulfil promises on aid, trade, debt, climate change and gender equality.

Greenpeace response to new report showing opportunity to create thousands of jobs in wind energy could be lost

Last edited 14 April 2009 at 10:28am
14 April, 2009

Responding to today's report by the ippr, which says that the opportunity to create up to 70,000 UK jobs in the offshore wind industry could be lost due to a lack of government support, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

"The renewable energy sector - which could provide tens of thousands of jobs - received nothing in the government's fiscal stimulus package.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Rhetoric vs reality

Posted by bex — 24 September 2008 at 10:44am - Comments

Yesterday: "I want British companies and British workers to seize the opportunity and lead the world in the transformation to a low carbon economy and I believe that we can create in modern green manufacturing and service one million new jobs" - Gordon Brown.

Today: British Energy is sold to French nuclear company EDF for £12.5 billion, exporting thousands of potential UK jobs to France, dealing a hammer blow to our chances of meeting our legally binding Renewables Obligation. 

Volunteer with Greenpeace

Last edited 30 January 2007 at 4:14pm
Publication date: 
5 April, 2007

If you are interested in volunteering in our office, please download, print out and complete the volunteer application form and either fax (020 7865 8204), email or post your application form to:


Human Resources Department
Canonbury Villas
London N1 2PN

Download the report:

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