press releases

Greenpeace reaction to Gordon Brown's speech

Last edited 24 September 2007 at 4:44pm
24 September, 2007

John Sauven, Executive Director of Greenpeace said:

"Gordon Brown talked about being a world leader in green technology but put no flesh on the bones of how to get there. After ten years we're still at the bottom of most league tables when it comes to renewable energy. If he really does mean business he should stand up now and declare that there will be no new coal fired power stations like the one proposed at Kingsnorth in Kent."

Greenpeace on shrinking Arctic sea ice

Last edited 21 September 2007 at 11:22am
21 September, 2007

Reacting to new data showing record shrinking of Arctic sea ice, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

Collaboration between Jason Bruges and Greenpeace gains top spot at 100% Design show

Last edited 17 September 2007 at 1:39pm
17 September, 2007

World’s first fully dimmable CFL bulb makes shortlist in “most innovative lighting” category 

An interactive, low energy light bulb installation designed by Jason Bruges Studio and commissioned by Greenpeace has been moved to the front of house feature space at the 100% Design exhibition which begins next week in London. Exhibition organisers have recognised that the combination of style and efficiency embodied in Bruges' "Light Garden" will be a major draw for the show and a groundbreaking example of low energy technology.

EU extends import tax on efficient lightbulbs - Greenpeace responds

Last edited 30 August 2007 at 5:22pm
30 August, 2007

Responding to the news that the European Commission has agreed to extend the 66% import tax on Chinese energy efficient lightbulbs for another 12 months, Greenpeace Climate and Energy campaigner Laura Yates said:

"Given the urgency of climate change, it’s scandalous that the EU have responded to Osram’s whingeing. It’s now going to take another year to abolish this unnecessary and protectionist tax on efficient lightbulbs, and if the industry cartel has its way it will be at least another ten years until incandescent bulbs are banned completely."


World Bank Group finances company involved in the illegal destruction of the Congo rainforest

Last edited 29 August 2007 at 3:40pm
29 August, 2007

The World Bank's International Finance Corporation (IFC) is financing a Singapore-based trading group, Olam International Ltd, which has been involved in trading illegal timber in the rainforest of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The world's 'local bank', HSBC, is also providing financial services to the company, in breach of its environmental policy. Olam is today expected to report much improved profits in its half yearly financial results.

Greenpeace exposes the fact that a Brazilian government agency's 'land settlement' scheme is driving rainforest destruction

Last edited 21 August 2007 at 4:01pm
21 August, 2007

An agency of the Brazilian Federal Government, which only days ago was celebrating reductions in Amazon deforestation, is allowing logging companies to destroy large areas of the rainforest by assigning them 'land settlements' for poor communities, according to an eight-month Greenpeace investigation(1).

Jason Bruges teams up with Greenpeace to create ultra-efficient light installation

Last edited 20 August 2007 at 4:13pm
20 August, 2007

Award winning designer’s bulb 'garden' will showcase next generation of lighting technology

Award-winning designer Jason Bruges is teaming up with the environmental organisation Greenpeace to create an interactive installation made up of hundreds of energy efficient light bulbs that will feature at this years 100% Light exhibition at Earl's Court this September. It is also part of Kinetica's latest exhibition, 'In Flux'.

Greenpeace report reveals Hachette is buying Boreal Forest destruction

Last edited 20 August 2007 at 12:00am
20 August, 2007

A new Greenpeace report released today reveals that Hachette USA is one of a number of North American and European corporations fueling the destruction of Canada’s Boreal Forest.

Bush climate conference: Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 3 August 2007 at 5:27pm
3 August, 2007

President George Bush has today invited representatives of major industrialised and developing countries to a 'climate change summit' in September. Reacting to the news, Greenpeace's senior climate campaigner Robin Oakley said:

"It's a step forward that Bush no longer denies man-made global warming, but there has to be a concern that this is yet another attempt to derail the UN climate change negotiations set for December in Indonesia. Bush speaks about aspirational goals and voluntary targets. That's his vision and it's just not serious.

Greenpeace 'Light Brigade' in action across Britain as Woolworths are told: stop selling power crazy bulbs

Last edited 14 July 2007 at 11:04am
14 July, 2007

Environmental group demand end to sale of incandescent lightbulbs; new league table reveals retailer is UK's worst at helping customers tackle climate change

The Greenpeace "Light Brigade" is carrying out a national day of action today against the high street chain Woolworths. The environmental group is protesting at the retailer's continued failure to promote efficient alternatives to power hungry, incandescent lightbulbs.

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