press releases

Greenpeace sets up climate ticket exchange in Gatwick airport

Last edited 20 March 2007 at 8:00am
20 March, 2007

A Greenpeace activist at Gatwick Airport where passengers bound for Newquay were offered train tickets instead

Campaigners offer free train tickets to travellers, call on BA and govt to act on aviation emissions.

Greenpeace has set up a "climate ticket exchange" in Gatwick airport, where people booked on BA's latest domestic route can swap their plane tickets for climate-friendly train tickets.

Greenpeace sets up climate ticket exchange in Newquay airport

Last edited 20 March 2007 at 8:00am
20 March, 2007

A Greenpeace activist is moved on by a policewoman at Newquay airport

Campaigners offer free train tickets to travellers, call on BA and government to act on aviation emissions

Greenpeace has set up a "climate ticket exchange" in Newquay airport, where people booked on BA's latest domestic route can swap their plane tickets for climate-friendly train tickets.

'Green fuels' could be bad for the planet, say environmental and development groups

Last edited 20 March 2007 at 8:00am
20 March, 2007

A misjudged push for 'green' fuels could instead damage the climate and trash rainforests, according to the UK's largest environmental and development groups today.

Biofuels - which are similar to petrol but less environmentally damaging because they are made from crops and wastes - could play an important role in tackling global warming. But, say bosses from the RSPB, WWF, Greenpeace, Oxfam and Friends of the Earth, the government's dash for biofuels is ill thought out, lacks appropriate safeguards and could be creating more problems than it solves.

Russian commission to investigate forest crimes following Greenpeace expose

Last edited 13 March 2007 at 7:38pm
13 March, 2007
The Russian Head of the Federal Forestry Agency Valery Roschupkin, has ordered an immediate investigation into massive violations of forest law in the Russian republic of Karelia. This follows the release of a report by Greenpeace last year which highlighted wide-spread illegal logging in the province and showed how this timber is being imported into Finland to industry giants including UPM and Stora Enso, which is partly owned by the Finnish State.[1]

Scientists map flooding risk to nuclear sites

Last edited 8 March 2007 at 3:45pm
8 March, 2007

The impact of rising sea levels on Dungeness nuclear power station

Nuclear power stations are at risk from significant sea-level rises and storm surges in the future. Many existing and proposed sites are not suitable locations for new nuclear reactors, according to a report by flood experts.

Ken Livingstone to board Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise to say 'No' to Trident

Last edited 6 March 2007 at 4:14pm
6 March, 2007

Politicians, military personnel and celebrities will come together today to highlight why replacing the Trident missile system is a dangerous and expensive distraction from the real threat facing our planet - climate change.

Ken Livingstone, Annie Lennox, Anita and Gordon Roddick, Bianca Jagger, Tony Robinson and Major General Sir Patrick Cordingly will be among those on Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise ship to explain why they don't want the UK to spend up to £76bn on outdated, unnecessary and dangerous weapons of mass destruction.

Greenpeace response to energy white paper announcement

Last edited 23 February 2007 at 9:17am
22 February, 2007

Responding to today's announcement that the energy white paper will be delayed after the High Court ruled last week that the government's decision to back a new fleet of nuclear power stations was unlawful, Greenpeace nuclear campaigner Emma Gibson said:

"The government should go back to their findings in the 2003 energy white paper, that rejected nuclear power and backed energy efficiency and renewables. If the government had followed its 2003 words with effective actions, we'd have made much more progress in tackling climate change today.

Government's nuclear plans declared unlawful by High Court

Last edited 19 February 2007 at 5:11pm
15 February, 2007

Greenpeace and other supporting groups outside the Royal Courts of Justice at the start of the case hearing

The government's decision to back a new fleet of nuclear power stations was today declared to be unlawful in the High Court.

The government will have to conduct a new, fuller review if they want to justify the future of nuclear power in the UK.

European vehicle emissions law - Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 8 February 2007 at 5:20pm
7 February, 2007

C02 emissions from the transport sector are rising fast

Reacting to the European Commission’s announcement of mandatory standards on vehicle emissions, Greenpeace campaigner Emily Armistead said:

Four tonnes of coal dumped on Blair's Environment Department doorstep

Last edited 6 February 2007 at 4:35pm
2 February, 2007

Greenpeace campaigners dump coal on government's doorstep

PM branded climate failure as UN releases key report

Greenpeace campaigners today dumped four tonnes of coal on the doorstep of Tony Blair's environment department and branded the PM a climate failure.

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